One Hella Lucky Goddess

genres: Romance Paranormal Fantasy

author: Marian Tee

One Hella Lucky Goddess

Welcome to another day in the life of a not-so-young and oh-so-stressed goddess.

Just when I thought I could go on a honeymoon with the ever gorgeous Lord of the Underworld, I find out I'm being sued by his ex-wife, aka the world's pettiest woman.Pettiest, you hear?Not prettiest.And no, I'm not being petty myself.Imagine being sued just because someone thinks you're not goddess material.Petty, right?But because Persephone has taken her case all the way to the Olympian High Court, I now have only under twenty-four hours to find myself a divine dominion to claim and rule...or risk losing my title as LOTUS. Honestly, you guys: since when did not being "divine" enough become a crime?

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