Her Cocky Protector

genres: Romance Adult Paranormal Fantasy Science Fiction

author: Kaylee Pike

Her Cocky Protector

To survive, we’ll need to trust each other… which is the problem, really.


If Aidro would stop wearing that stupid jacket and carrying that ridiculous axe around, I might take him a little more seriously as the leader of our ragtag group of survivors. Ignore the way my eyes just darted down to his abs. That was a reflex. His big alien body was built for me to lick… er, I mean appreciate from a safe distance. Right, so I completely lost my point the moment he walked by. Story of my life.

I’m pretty sure this soulmate thing is optional, right?
It makes no sense that my instincts led me to a curvy little human scientist who barely comes up to my chest. She’s brilliant, aggravating, adorable, and I want to slam her up against the side of my crashed ship, and do very naughty… okay, that was a reflex, forget I said that. Besides, no matter what I want, there will be no sexy fun. Bad things happen when I let go of control, and this woman has tested my control more than anyone I’ve ever met.

But when she really needs me, there’s no way I can let her down, even if it means risking everything.

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