Jessie's Girl (The Trapper Keeper Diaries)

genres: Romance Fiction New Adult

author: Naima Simone

Jessie's Girl (The Trapper Keeper Diaries)

You’ve been his for years, and I respected it. Maintained my distance.

Kept my silence. My secret.

Until that night you came to me, disillusioned, angry and hurt. God helps us both, but I crossed my carefully drawn line before you left, disappeared.

Now, you’re back, and my need for you is a beast that hasn’t been fed and has grown hungrier in the years since I’ve seen you. I remind myself we can’t be more than friends, that you’re off-limits to me. But it doesn’t stop me from secretly craving what can never be mine.


My fantasy. My sin.

My joy. My regret.

My best friend’s woman.

Jessie’s girl.

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