Claimed By the Cyborgs

genres: Romance Erotic Fantasy Science Fiction

author: Grace Goodwin

series: Interstellar Brides: The Colony Interstellar Brides: The Colony

Claimed By the Cyborgs

Two honorable warriors with nothing left to lose...until they find her.

Prillon warrior Thomar Arcas is the royal heir to his ancestor’s legacy of dishonor, betrayal and death. When he was captured by the Hive, some on his home world cheered. Some sighed with relief. None shed a tear.

Thomar and his second, Varin, break free and destroy an enemy base, barely escaping with their lives. They transport to The Colony, the last refuge for contaminated males. Upon arrival they suffer in agony, their cyborg implants fighting for control of the powerful warriors.

Defeat is not in their blood. Not in their history. Not in their souls. Unable to sever their ties to the Hive integrations, they suffer relentless pain. Unwilling to force others to suffer, Thomar has chosen an honorable death over further disgrace; until they are matched to a human female from Earth who will do anything, and sacrifice anyone, to save them.

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