Naughty List

genres: Romance Adult

author: Elizabeth Knox

Naughty List

She slipped out of my life once, and I'm not letting it happen again.


I can't blame her for walking out of my life, but I've blamed myself ever since. I wasn't going to let her stay gone forever, and now I've understood the errors of my ways.

Over the years I changed. Not into a better man, 'cause I was still a piece of shit to anyone who fucked with my family, or the club.

For Sunny, I'd show her just how I grew into a better man for her. We were a good couple back in the day, but we'd be a great couple now. The woman was kinder to me than I deserved. She was kind when she should've slammed the door in my face, and helped me when I was nothing but hateful toward her.

Now that I'm clean, I see the gem of a woman she is, and I hope she sees what I'll do for her . . . even if it means dressing up as Santa Claus for some sick kids.

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