Save Them

genres: Romance Erotic Adult

author: S.A. Mackenzie

Save Them

My world is crashing around me. My fear is consuming me. I swore I would never be a victim again, but just his name makes me quake in terror.

We escaped. Justice was served. He died. But if that's all true, how is he back and ruining my life all over again?

I'm drowning.

Drowning in fear. Drowning in pain. Drowning in the past. The only light that's keeping me from being lost in the sea of my anguish is them. These three men are breathing life back into me, one safe space and comforting touch at a time.

To repay them, I'm putting them in danger. The stalking is escalating and they're getting caught in the crossfire. It's time for me to stand up and be the fighter I've trained myself to be. Not to save me this time, but to save them.

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