Gears & Fears (Hell for Leather MC 2)

genres: Romance Erotic Adult Biker MC

author: Adell Ryan

series: Hell for Leather MC

Gears & Fears (Hell for Leather MC 2)

Have you ever been simply existing one day, and the next, your world is turned upside down?

Amazing how your whole life can change in a matter of twenty-four hours.

Dreams dissolve.
Love shatters.
Addictions relapse.

Hell for Leather motorcycle club finally broke me.
By stealing everything important to me, they took what little energy remained in my weary soul that I needed to get through my final Bike Week as their exotic muse and crushed it beneath their hot, roving tires.

Now, the men who once held a special place in my heart are using me, holding hostage what is most precious to my existence and making me work for its redemption.

I was tired before, but that was nothing.

Time to put on the show of my life.
Time for one more "dance."

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