Claiming Hannah (Bear Creek, Texas)

genres: Romance Erotic Adult Western

author: Lee Rose

Claiming Hannah (Bear Creek, Texas)

Sheriff Ben Parker has always been in love with Hannah Hawthorne, the town veterinarian. Now that he finally has her in his bed, he plans on keeping her there. Hannah always felt an attraction to Ben Parker but he is the town sheriff and also very popular among the females of Bear Creek Texas. He has too many women chasing him, and she doesn't want to be one of many. Hannah wants to be the only one in his bed and in his heart.

Can Ben convince Hannah his feelings for her are real, or will she let her jealousy ruin their newfound love? Will another woman who also wants Ben very badly help to ruin the relationship Ben and Hannah are forming, or will it make Ben and Hannah realize how strong the love they feel for each other really is?

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