
genres: Action Romance

author: K.L. Myers


To his enemies, Maxim Gunnar is the Devil.
But to Evie Walsh, he’s the angel that protects her.

One decision can alter the course of your life. Nine out of ten times for the better, but I’m number ten. One decision spun my life on a path I would never have expected, leading me to walk away from everything and everyone, including Evie, the one girl who’d forever hold my heart. I chose a path toward discipline, structure, and accountability as my penance for my selfish actions.

Now, I’m the Devil that looms in the dark. I serve my country by protecting others. I’m the best the CIA has, a face with no name and a man without a future. And I’m certainly not a good man anymore. I live for the rush I feel when I watch the life leave my victims’ eyes.

The last thing I ever expected was to come face to face with my past. When Evie becomes a pawn in a CIA sting operation led by her brother—my best friend—she ends up in the hospital. But they’ve messed with the wrong man. I vow to suck the life out of anyone involved in sending the message to the CIA through her. No one will be left standing when I’m done.

One question remains: how will she react when she finds out I’m still alive and I’m the only one that can keep her safe?

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