Propositioning Her Brother's Best Friend

genres: Romance Erotic

author: Sam Crescent

Propositioning Her Brother's Best Friend

Can Rachel grab his attention with a simple proposition?

Rachel Kramer is tired of hearing about Paul’s sexual exploits. He’s the guy she’s been in love with her whole life, and he’s also her brother’s best friend. They’re friends, but she wants more. She wants to know if his feelings are the same as hers—and she’s tired of being a virgin.

Paul has stayed away from his best friend’s little sister because he was warned away. He’s been part of the Kramers’ life for as long as he can remember. Rachel has always been the love of his live, but he loves her from afar.

Her proposition soon leads to something more. He starts to teach her about sex, but that soon changes. Paul is in this for the long haul. He’s waited for her for a lifetime. No more waiting. Rachel will be his.

But what will happen when her brother comes back to town and one of Paul’s exes starts to make waves? Can their love survive, or will their time be over?

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