Twin Tempt

genres: Romance Erotic Adult War

author: Jess Bentley

Twin Tempt

What’s an Army brat to do with two handsome soldiers?
Obey orders? Do exactly what I'm told?
Even if the orders are harder and hotter than even my wildest fantasies?

Liberty Jane

I may be an Army brat, but as the Colonel’s daughter, but I have a secret plan to get out on my own --
if I can only manage to get that last $800.
Enter Mona, my best friend. She knows how I can make some easy money.
The only problem?
I have to risk everything.
It looks like easy gig at a sketchy roadhouse just out of Army bounds.
She says nobody will know me.
And if I'm honest, this virgin is more than tempted -- I'm excited.
I just never thought that it would be this dangerous...
Until the two most handsome soldiers I've ever seen step in to protect me.
And I never want to let them go.

Will and Cass

So we're twins, and are obviously military - we can’t hide our identities from a girl who has been surrounded by soldiers since birth.
We won't blow the cover of the Colonel's daughter.
And when the club owner wants Libby to do more than just dance and drags her to the back room to negotiate new terms,
we aren’t having it.
But now we're charged with protecting her.
We can’t risk releasing her, and once we are in such close quarters,
We can't resist her innocent body...
No matter what the cost.

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