Page 7 of Running Wild

She counted out a full minute and then peeked out.

"Oh shit." Backing away, her heart thumped wildly when she saw him standing there, inches away from her, just waiting for her to peep out.

He grinned and snatched her into his arms, turning her against his body and locking her in against him as she wriggled and tried to break free.

"Nice try," he whispered against her ear, and lifted her bodily away from her shadowy hidey-hole.

The length of rope over his shoulder thumped against her side as he carried her out. The air knocked out of her lungs and she gasped aloud. She'd thought about his physique often enough, but she had no idea about his sheer strength. Not until now. Wriggling in his grasp, she pushed at him, trying to break free, but his grip felt like steel, the muscles on his arms roped as he held her.

He lifted her with one arm around her waist, the other hard across her torso and locked over one shoulder. She hung like a doll in his arms as he strode between the trees, a doll whose arms and legs kicked and flailed uselessly against him. The slap of the rope against her hip was a constant reminder of what he intended to do with it.

Luck was on her side and she slipped free. Landing on her bottom, she flipped over quickly and scrambled away across the rough ground on her hands and knees. He snatched at her leg, caught her around one ankle and hauled her back. She rolled onto her back, kicking him loose, laughing gleefully. Never had being beaten felt so good.

He rose over her, one hand holding her to the ground at the base of her neck. His eyes shone. "Wild at heart, Alexa, wild at heart."

He moved one hand under her waist, and she stilled, breath caught in her throat, because she thought he was going to kiss her. Instead, he lifted his rope free of his shoulder and threw it at the base of a nearby tree trunk. Then he stood up, drawing her up behind him. She was about to say something, when he ducked down and swept her off her feet, throwing her over his shoulder in a fireman's lift.

The world spun. She gripped at the shirt on his back, keenly aware of his hands across the back of her thighs, one hand smacked over her bottom to hold her steady. Her pussy was on fire. He set her down and then walked her back against a large tree trunk. Her senses were reeling. She splayed her hands when she felt it against her back, and stared at him, challenging him. Sweat gleamed on his temples and the look in his eyes was driven. Never had she seen him so focused and powerful.

He reached for the length of rope and unfolded it quickly. She sensed his urgency, as if he expected her to take off again. She wasn't going anywhere. He moved around her, binding her to the tree, securing the rope then winding it around again, creating a brace around her lower rib cage and waist. Because she was so horny, she wanted to break free and crawl all over him, begging him to fuck her. Instead, he had her restrained, bound to the tree, and it felt so damned good. The tree's hard surface at her back was phallic and proud, like a totem, and Tomas' hands were so strong, moving her into position demandingly. Her arms were trapped inside the rope. It felt hard and rough even through her dress, pressing up against the underside of her tender, sensitive breasts making her nipples burn. They were standing out like studs, aching for his attention. Not only that, but when she moved, the rope seemed to tighten. Oh boy—did that ever feel good. It heightened her longing, making her wild, and it took away her control, making her his.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a length of black cloth, pausing before he covered her eyes with it, looking at her with a measure of assessment in his expression. She leaned towards him; let him know she wanted him, flashing her eyes, her lips parting. He cursed under his breath and threw the blindfold on the ground, and that proved it—she had him.

"You had a change of clothes in that bag of yours, right?" His eyes were black with lust. She managed to nod. He tore her dress apart between her breasts, ripping it with his hands. She gasped in delight, the air cool against the hot, damp skin on her cleavage. The brush of his fingers on her bared breasts felt too delicious, making her shiver. He stroked then squeezed her, sighing before he rolled her hard nipples between thumb and forefinger, making her whimper. The fact he had shredded her dress made her light-headed. The touch of his hands on her bared breasts while the rope bound her was a delicious torture. Drunk on the experience, she felt out of control. It was so…uncivilized.

He shook his head. "I've been thinking about your breasts almost constantly, since I got to hold you." His fingers moved, so confident in his growing knowledge of her body.

Alexa shivered and pushed her head back, ignoring the tug of the rough bark on her hair, the extreme sensation of having his hands on her sensitive flesh making her vision blur.

"Every time I see you, I know how that I will be thinking about this, about doing this to you, and the way it makes you look."

From the deepest part of her, she remembered how he always pushed every contract negotiation in his business meetings, how he edged things forward with precision, toying with his adversaries until they gave in to his demands.

"Christ, Alexa, I have wanted you for the longest time." His hands squeezed her flesh, his thumbs brusquely outlining her nut-hard nipples. Her cry of release came out on a garbled scream.

The sound of fabric ripping reached her. He had torn apart the lower part of her dress apart and had now set about peeling her knickers down her legs.

"Glorious," he murmured. "The prize." His eyes glittered with pride, and with possessive longing. Her emotions soared. She'd wanted him so much. To see powerful desire reflected in his eyes made her heart beat hard in her chest.

His hands moved to his fly and he undid the buttons on his trousers. When his cock sprang free and he held it in one strong hand, she stared down at it, her hips arching with need, her feet shuffling against the ground. His cock was long and bowed skyward, with a girth that made her pussy tighten in expectation. She lifted from one foot to the other, and as she did she could feel her knickers trailing around one ankle. Hurriedly, she kicked them free, desperate to be rid of any further hurdle

s and have him inside her.

"Bloody hell, I wanted to take my time over this," he said, as he pulled a condom from his pocket and ripped it open. Shaking his head, he rolled the rubber over his cock, securing it at the base with one fist, just the way she had imagined him. "But I need to be inside you, right now."

He latched his hands around the top of her thighs, lifting her feet from the ground, taking her weight, opening her thighs and moving between them so they were face to face and she was totally at his mercy.

She moaned aloud, stunned at the sheer physicality of his actions. He had her pinned and splayed, and it took her breath away. It was so wildly arousing, she felt drugged by the experience. Then she felt him open her up with his cock upright against her nether lips. It pressed against her tender clit, making her cry aloud. He watched her face while he rolled his cock from side to side, making her crazy. She saw the fierce determination in his eyes, and a flash of uncertainty overcame her. He was so large and hard, and she was vulnerable and at his mercy.

"Tomas," she whispered, unable to keep the pleading tone out of her voice.

"I'm right here," he said, and kissed her mouth as he eased the head of his cock inside her tight opening.

Sensation spangled out from that spot. Her core clutched rhythmically in expectation. He paused, sending her into ecstasy. It made her pant, and her head hung forward, her loosed hair obscuring her vision. Then the head of his cock probed deeper inside her splayed sex—inch by glorious inch—and her uncertainty vanished, replaced by absolute and undeniable need for more of what he gave to her.

He pushed deeper. "Christ, you're so hot."

Pleasure shot through her. Her head went back against the tree. She mewed aloud as he filled her to the hilt. Her head rolled from side to side, strands of her hair catching on the rough bark of the tree.