“Yes, I thought I picked up on a spark between you two,” Cym said, glancing at me. “Is there one, Addie?”

“Addie’s mad for him,” Delphia said dramatically but still quiet enough that no one but the four of us could hear.

“Delphia, please.” I should never have told her the truth. The entire family would know it before the night was done. “That was supposed to be kept our secret.”

“Is it true?” Viktor turned to me, compassion in his light eyes.

I nodded. “Yes. But nothing can come of it. We must never speak of it again. For James’s sake, if nothing else. He’s tortured enough.”

“Oh, darling.” Cym took both my hands. “Are you all right?”

“It’s nothing, Cym. Truly, we should go in. They’re all waiting.” My voice quivered, so I shut it tight.

Cym dropped my hands but remained close. “You poor girl. Is it true what Mama says—he’s being forced into marriage because of the financial problems in his family?”

Viktor shook his head sadly. “Nothing good can come from gambling.”

“Unless it’s poker with your brothers,” Cym said, teasing him, but immediately sobered, perhaps at the sight of my wretchedness.

Viktor put a brotherly arm around my shoulders. “Listen, kid, you must never give up hope. Not when love’s involved.”

“We would need a miracle,” I said. “He’s honorable and has given his word to all of them.”

“Yes,” Cym said. “Loyal and steadfast.”

“Well, we’ll see about that, won’t we?” Delphia asked. “True love could win in the end.”

“Mama’s waiting,” I said, desperate to get out of the foyer and on with the evening. The sooner we started, the sooner it would be over with.

Cym took a second look at me and gave me an extra squeeze as we entered the parlor where my parents and the Masterses were already waiting. James had not yet arrived. Jasper, on duty for the evening, gave Cym, Delphia, and me glasses of sherry and a whiskey for Viktor.

Lena was in the corner of the room speaking with Mama. She wore a splendid gown in dark blue, which complemented her russet hair and complexion. A diamond necklace draped just above her collarbone and large sapphire earrings sparkled in the evening light. She glanced our way, her eyes harder than they’d been earlier.

“That’s her?” Cym asked in my ear. “She looks like a red fox.”

“That’s what I think, too,” Delphia said. “A fox without a tail. That we can see anyway. Maybe there’s one under that ugly dress.”

“The dress isn’t ugly,” Cym said. “If we were to be truthful.”

“Sometimes I don’t care for the truth,” Delphia said.

At the moment, I didn’t either.

“Well, she’s no match for you, Addie,” Viktor said. “No wonder she’s jealous of you.”

I flushed from the compliment, feeling better in the presence of steady Viktor and my strong-willed sister. When together, they seemed to exude a sense of invincibility. Since they’d teamed up, there was nothing they couldn’t do. I longed to be in such a partnership with James. I sighed. What did it matter if Lena were jealous or not? James belonged to her now.

Jasper had returned with a tray of champagne, which he placed on Fiona’s baby grand in the corner of the room. It would have been a beautiful evening, other than my despair. The weather had cooled and the ripe humidity had been replaced by fresh, dry air. Jasper had opened the doors and windows to allow the breeze to cool the room and bring in the scent of the wild roses and honeysuckle that crawled along our whitewashed fence.

We turned as Fiona, Li, and James entered the room. My sister’s hair had curled attractively around her face from the heat. Li had taken off his jacket and had it slung over one arm. James’s fair skin was pink from the warmth of the evening, giving him the appearance of great health and athleticism. His eyes were red-rimmed, though. Red and haunted.

His gaze fell to me first. Of everyone in the room, he found me. It should have given me comfort but it didn’t, for I knew what was to come. I smiled at him, hoping to give him courage for what would surely be a wretched evening. He smiled back at me and drew in a breath that made his chest visibly rise and fall before heading toward his fiancée.

Fiona and Li went to meet Lena and her father, as they should. Still, I couldn’t help but feel hurt that they hadn’t come to say hello to me first. This was an irrational wish. They could see me any old time. Their beloved James was marrying. They would want to meet his bride and her father.

As for me, I had Delphia on one side and Cym on the other, like shields. It would have to be enough, perhaps for the rest of my life.

* * *