“It might, depending on the truth. Ask her, James. That’s all I’m saying.”

I nodded, pretending to agree but feeling bewildered by this latest suggestion. What could possibly make Lena and her father want me, other than what they’d said?



I spentmost of the day downstairs with Lizzie. It was Mrs. Wu’s day off and with the extra guests, she needed more help than usual. Craving a distraction, I was happy to help when Mama suggested it. My mother was one who figured the best way out of heartache was to get to work. Lizzie kept me busy through most of the afternoon. We worked side by side in the hot kitchen with Lizzie giving me instructions on what to do and when. I was able to turn my thoughts off and let my hands and body follow Lizzie’s commands. Working with her gave me a sense of purpose, especially because I knew how much she missed her daughter. I missed Florence, too. We chatted and gossiped, just as we’d done when Florence still lived at home.

“She’s got a beau,” Lizzie said, referring to Florence. “He’s studying to be a doctor. My Florence married to a doctor. I’d never have thought it possible.”

“She’ll make a good doctor’s wife,” I said. Florence was smart and very capable. For that matter, she would be good at anything she chose to do.

It was nearing teatime when Delphia came into the kitchen through the back door, wearing overalls and a mischievous look on her face. What was she up to? No good, most likely.

“May I borrow you, Addie?” Delphia asked. “I need help in the barn.”

“Sure.” I wiped my hands on my apron and then untied it. “What is it?”

“The chickens,” Delphia said. “Their roosting boxes need cleaning out, and I’d like you to help.”

I took a better look at her. Sure enough, there were several pieces of straw in her hair. “Isn’t that Jesse’s job?”

“He’s busy.” Delphia poured herself a glass of water from the pitcher Lizzie always had on the counter.

“Are you up to no good?” Lizzie asked, echoing my thoughts.

“Why do you two always think that?” Delphia asked, her voice rising upward in pitch.

“No reason,” I said, winking at Lizzie before following my sister outside and up the stairs that led to the yard.

We walked in silence toward the barn. When I asked her how she’d gotten the task of the chicken coops, she put a finger to her mouth to shush me. “I don’t feel like talking. I’m in a pensive mood.”

A pensive mood? I laughed softly, grateful for the distraction from my problems. What had gotten into her? I didn’t think any more about it because I noticed the car James had taken into town was back parked under the covered structure where Papa kept our cars. Was he home? Was he with Lena? Kissing her again? My stomach roiled at the thought. I hated her. I hated myself for loving James.

Delphia opened the door as if she were trying to sneak into the house late at night. I gave her a quizzical look but followed her through the doorway. My eyes took a moment to adjust in the dim barn from the bright sunlight outside. When the room came into focus, the first thing I noticed was that the chicken boxes looked tidy and freshly adorned with hay. What was it that Delphia needed me for? Irritated that she’d taken me away from assisting Lizzie, I turned toward her. She pointed upward. Noises were coming from the hayloft. Human noises. Voices talking softly. Sighs. Murmurs of endearment? That’s when I saw them through the slats of the hayloft. Lena and Jesse sat side by side, his hand cupping her cheek. For a second, my brain couldn’t understand. But then I knew. They were having an intimate moment. Exactly how intimate, I couldn’t be certain.

I brought my hand to my mouth to stifle a yelp of surprise. Too late. The noise came anyway.

Silence came from the hayloft. Straws of hay drifted downward through the slats. Then Lena’s face appeared. Before I could react, Delphia yanked me toward the door and out into the bright sunlight.

Dizzy, I leaned against the wall of the barn. What was happening? Had Delphia known they were there? Of course she had. Why else would she have brought me out here? Or had she orchestrated the whole thing somehow? “What did you do?” I asked my sister, who was looking quite pleased with herself.

Delphia scowled. “What did I do? It’s what Lena’s done.”

My suspicions were correct. She’d known they were there and had wanted me to see them. “What did you do?” I asked, repeating myself.

She tugged on my hand, pulling me away from the barn toward the house. “I simply put temptation in her path. A test. Jesse was a willing participant. As you’ve said a lot the last few weeks, money has power.”

“You paid him?” I stared at her, aghast.

“Yes, although I got the feeling after I’d already suggested payment that he would have done it for free. Apparently, this is not their first clandestine visit.”

Before I could answer, Lena came running out of the barn. Her hair was disheveled and her dress wrinkled. Mascara made dark smudges under her eyes and on her cheeks. Had she been crying? Or was that the result of whatever they’d been doing in the loft?

“Stop!” she yelled out to us. “Wait!”

We did so, lingering near the fence of the horse pasture. When she got closer, I could see streaks of tears in addition to the smeared makeup on her dusty face.