Looking into my eyes, Mama ran her hands down my bare arms. “You’re absolutely right. This was a rite of passage for James. One he had to do in order to be worthy of you. You’ve always been wise, my love. I’m so very proud of you.”

“Darn right,” Delphia said. “It’s about time James did the right thing.”

“Delphia, really?” Mama sighed, but I could tell by her smile that her earlier anger at Delphia had gone away.

“I’m sorry I interfered, Mama,” Delphia said. “Addie forgives me. Can you?”

“Yes, of course, I can.” She hugged my sister, holding her close and kissing the top of her head. “The two of you have always been so different from each other, but the devotion and friendship between you has never suffered because of it. Wanting your sister to be happy can make a young woman do dangerous acts. You two will always have each other, and that’s no small gift.”

My sister and I grinned at each other.

“Do you think James will want to go back to New York?” I asked, sobering at the thought. “For his work?”

“I’m not sure. You’ll have to decide between the two of you,” Mama said. “What do you want?”

“I’d like to stay here. New York sounds dirty,” I said. “But if James wants me to go with him, then I will.”

“If you’re married,” Mama said, a note of caution in her voice. “I’ll not have him dragging you across the country without a marriage license. If his mother and sister come to Emerson Pass, he may have even more incentive to stay.”

“Where will we put them?” I asked.

“We’ll decide all that later,” Mama said.

“Addie in New York?” Delphia’s eyes filled. “I never thought of that. Not once. I don’t know what I will do without my big sister.”

“You’ve got three others here.” I spoke with more jocularity than I felt. The idea of leaving my family made my stomach churn. Would James want to take me away from everything I’d ever known? If he did, I would have to go. He was what I wanted more than anything.

“I told James I’d send you down,” Mama said.

I rose to my feet and went to the mirror. My hair was all over the place. Mascara had smeared under my eyes. “I look a fright.” I sat at the dressing table, torn between making myself presentable or going to James right away, regardless of my disheveled appearance.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get you fixed up quick.” Delphia came to stand behind me and started to take out the pins in my hair. “Please tell James she’ll be down shortly.”

Mama took my hand. “This is the last time I’ll ask you. Addie, you’re sure about James?”

“I’m sure.” I spoke with truthful conviction. Whatever happened I could handle, as long as James was by my side.

“All right then,” Mama said. “I’ll see you both downstairs.”

She turned to go, but I grabbed her hand. “Mama, thank you for always being here for us, no matter how difficult.”

“That’s a mother’s job. You’ll see for yourself someday.” Mama gave us each a smile and then, in her graceful way, left us to our primping.

* * *

James wasn’tin the sitting room when I went downstairs. In fact, no one was there at all. I went back into the hallway and heard voices coming from my father’s study. James and my father? My stomach fluttered with nerves. Should I knock?

Before I could decide, the door opened and Papa greeted me. “I thought I heard footsteps. Come in, love. James and I were talking about the future.”

My gaze skirted to my James. My James. Could it be? He smiled back at me from where he stood by the desk.

“I’ll leave you two to talk,” Papa said. “After all this, I need a nap before dinner.”

“Thank you,” James said, holding his hand out to shake Papa’s.

“You’re welcome, son.” Papa winked at me before leaving us alone, shutting the door behind him.

James took my hand and led me over to the leather chairs where my parents so often sat together. When we were settled, he reached over to touch my cheek. “Lovely, lovely Addie. I’m sorry all of this has been so difficult.”