I waited. What could it be?

“He thinks I should be the next schoolteacher of Emerson Pass. The high school needs an English and history teacher.”

“A teacher? Would you be happy doing that?”

“I think I would. We’d get to stay here with our family.”

I grinned. “Our family? I like the sound of that.”

“Your father offered us the cottage that Merry and Harley used to live in. Apparently, your father gifted it to them years ago?”

“Yes, that’s right. They lived there before they built the big house.” The cottage had been empty for a few years now, but I remembered playing with Jack and Henry there when we were little. It was small but filled with light and had a nice yard. For children? Our children?

“Are you sure?” I asked. “Giving up your dream of being an editor to become a teacher seems like a big sacrifice.”

He hesitated for a moment before answering. “For a long time, I’ve been scrapping and fighting to try to get out of the shadow of my past and my family. I’m tired. I shouldn’t feel old and exhausted all the time. The only time I feel good is when I’m here. I’ve come here every summer when I could have gone home. What does that tell you?”

“It tells me this could be your home, too.”

“This always felt more like home than anywhere else.” Gazing downward, he rubbed one of his knuckles with his thumb. “I could try teaching and if I didn’t like it, I could do something else. I don’t know, Addie. All I know is that I’m ready for a change. My father and the Mr. Masterses of the world have weakened my capacity for ambition.”

“I think the most important work is that of a teacher. Look at what my mother has done for this community. Do you know she taught adults to read when she first came here? She made a lot of difference to many people.”

“She and your father have made all the difference for me. Mostly, because they made you.” He kissed me again.

“When you first met Fiona, did you ever think your friendship would lead you here?” I asked when we parted.

“I certainly did not. I’m glad, you know, to be giving in to my destiny instead of fighting it.”

“I’m your destiny?” My entire body buzzed and hummed with joy. He saw what I saw, wanted what I wanted. How good God was.

“Yes, and aren’t I the lucky one who gets to have you? Marry me, Addie. Let’s do it sooner rather than later and start our life together.”

“Well, Iamavailable for an end-of-summer wedding.”

He grinned and surprised me by pulling me over to sit on his lap. I giggled, delighted and astounded at the same time as he lowered his mouth to mine.



We wereall relieved when Lena made a full recovery. The day after her attempt on her life, I was able to see her. She was sitting up in bed eating a plate of peach slices when I knocked softly on the door of the guest room.

“May I come in?” I asked.

“James, yes, please do.”

I was taken aback for a moment. She looked beautiful—different, with an inner glow that shone in her eyes. Her hair was unpinned and cascaded around her shoulders. She set aside the tray with her lunch and smoothed the covers over her lap.

“I wanted to see how you’re feeling.” I sat in the hardback chair near the bed.

“Very well, thank you. Other than I’m so embarrassed about everything. Quinn has been more than kind, but I can barely look her in the eye.”

“You shouldn’t be.” I noticed an open book on the history of the gold rush on the nightstand that Masters had been reading yesterday. “Your father’s been here?”

“He won’t leave my side. I had to force him out of here today so I could have a little peace. He keeps staring at me as if I’m going to take more powder at any moment.”

“You scared him.”