“Early this morning. Say around two or so.”

“Well, we were all here asleep,” said Jules.

“And each of you can verify that the others were here?” said Brown.

Ellie said, “I went to bed around eleven. I heard Jules and Samantha come upstairs around midnight. I was reading and heard them talking.”

“And I opened the door and said good night to Mom,” said Jules.

“And I did too,” said Samantha. “And Jules and I are sharing a room. We have our own bedrooms, but…I didn’t want to be alone. I went to bed around one, but I went back downstairs for my glasses and I checked on Mom. She was sound asleep. And so was Jules when I got

back to the room.”

“Okay, that accounts for you three,” said Brown, turning to Amanda. “And you?”

Amanda abruptly sat down. “I…I went up to bed before anyone else. I wasn’t feeling well. I went to sleep and just woke up about an hour ago.”

“So you didn’t talk to or see anyone else?” Brown looked at the others. “Did any of you check on your sister last night?”

“Oh come on,” barked Jules. “Look at her. She’s only got one arm. Do you really think she’s capable of shooting a gun? And she’s seen Cissy, what, maybe a handful of times over the last ten years. Why in the hell would she kill her? Why would any of us, for that matter?”

“We’re not saying that you did. We’re actually doing you a favor, because when the police come and ask, you’ll have ready answers.”

Jules seemed taken aback by this and sat next to Amanda and put an arm protectively around her.

Ellie said, “Where is Natalie?”

“She’s with the FBI right now.”

“Is she…is she going to prison?”

“I have no way of knowing those details,” said Brown. “I can tell you that the possible charges against her are very serious. I would not be surprised if she didn’t spend some time in prison.”

“Oh my God!” gushed Samantha.

Amanda burst into tears. “What the hell is going on? Our whole family is disintegrating right in front of us.”

Jules stared over at Brown. “We didn’t kill Cissy. We didn’t know anything about what Nat may or may not have done. I still don’t understand why Daddy killed himself. I…I…” She pulled away from Amanda and put her head in her hands.

In a trembling voice, Ellie said, “Would you mind if we were just left alone for a while? We just need to be…to be together as a family for just a little while.”

Decker, Brown, and Jamison stood. Decker said, “We’re going to figure this out, Mrs. Dabney. One way or another.”

“But that won’t bring back Walt, or Cissy. Or change what will happen to Natalie.”

“No ma’am, it won’t.”

They filed out, leaving the crushed Dabney family in the library.

Outside, Brown turned to Decker.

“What do you think?”

“I think something is off, but I don’t know what it is.”



“YOU WANT TO EXPLAIN what you meant?”

Decker had climbed out of Brown’s car and headed into the WFO. Jamison had stayed seated. When Decker looked back at her, she waved him on. He glanced at Brown and then walked to the entrance and disappeared inside.

Brown eyed Jamison in the rearview. “I thought I was pretty clear.”

“Clear as mud. Right and wrong. You didn’t say what about.”

“You want to do this now?”

“We can keep putting it off and the resentment will continue to build and maybe we get to a point where nothing the other says will matter.”

Brown put the car in park, undid her seat belt, and turned to look at Jamison.

“How so?”

“We were just appreciating the fact that you were sort of one of the girls.”

Decker eyed her quizzically for a moment. “I think I’m just going to let that one pass.”

They cleared security and rode the elevator up to their floor. Decker had phoned ahead and Bogart met them as they were walking down the hall.

“Got something,” he said. He led them into a room off the main hall. Milligan was already there seated at a computer.