go to see him? Is there any possible connection between Mars and this Montgomery person?”

“Well, that’s what the police are no doubt trying to determine,” said Bogart. “And let me tell all of you right off the bat, this will be very delicate. The state of Texas will not look kindly on federal intervention at this moment. Frankly, they may well question why we’re even involved. And I can’t promise that if pushback comes we can stick it out.” He looked at Decker. “The cases in the binder were all preapproved for our involvement, Amos. The Mars case obviously is not.”

“But we can still look into it,” said Decker.

“Yes. But I’ve found that as a general rule Texans do not like people from Washington, D.C., messing in their affairs.”

“Can you access all the records on the case?” said Jamison. “We should really go through all of that first. All we have is what Amos found online.”

“I can definitely make calls and see what I can do,” replied Bogart.

“Then we need to get in to see Mars,” added Davenport. “Meeting with him I can give you a better insight as to his psychological makeup.”

“Agreed,” said Bogart. He glanced at Decker. “That was a good job back there on the Morillo case, Amos. You picked up on stuff again that everyone else missed.”

Decker had been staring off and not really following the conversation. He came out of his musings and said, “We need to find out if Charles Montgomery has any family.”

“What? Why?” asked Davenport.

Decker didn’t answer her. He just stared off again, thinking.

* * *

After they finished at the bar, Jamison and Decker were dropped off at his place, where Jamison had left her car.

“So, that went reasonably well,” she said. “Although Milligan is a bit of a jerk.” She glanced at him. “What did you think?”

“I get where he’s coming from.”

“And Davenport?”

“I’m sure she’s competent.”


“But she has her own agenda.”

“Meaning you.”


She looked him over. “There’s a men’s shop about a mile from here. It’s open until ten. I checked.”

Decker shot her a glance. “Do I really look that bad?”

“Clothes make the man.”

“I’m pretty sure whoever said that did not have me in mind.”

“Shopping always makes me think better,” she said hopefully.

“And how exactly do I pay for new clothes?”

She held up a credit card. “Bogart gave me this. For essentials. Which I confirmed includes clothes for you,” she added quickly. “And you’ll have your salary.”

Decker looked over at her. “Salary?”

“I don’t know about you, but I can’t do this for free. Didn’t you discuss money with Bogart?”

Decker let out a sigh.

“I’ll take that as a no. But I can tell you that it’s a lot more than either of us were making back in Burlington.”

“Really?” said Decker.

“Really. And if this thing works out we’ll have to get our own housing. Can’t stay on the base permanently. And you’ll need a car to replace the rental.”

“I hadn’t given any of that much thought.”

“Trust me, I could tell.”

* * *

The FBI gig.

Right. He got up and padded to the bathroom.

After that he walked into the kitchen and looked out the window. It was still well dark.

He slid out the coffeepot with the intent to make and drink a pot while he went over case notes. Then he looked down at his massive gut and the slight wheezing apparently caused by merely getting out of bed and taking a leak, and sighed.

“Shit,” he muttered.