Roy and Lucinda Mars had been killed by their only child, Melvin.

The punishment of death had been imposed. Mars’s NFL career was over before it even started. And so was the rest of his life.

End of story.

He had been scheduled to be executed, when another man had come forward and confessed to the crime.

Charles Montgomery.

Decker studied the photo of the man on the computer screen.

White guy, in his seventies. Muscled, tough and mean-looking. Army vet with a lengthy criminal record. He’d gone from petty crap, to serious stuff, to very serious stuff. He was in a prison in Alabama awaiting his own execution on several other murders committed years ago.

So if Montgomery was telling the truth, how had the case against Melvin Mars gone so badly sideways?

Reports said he had details of the crime that the police had withheld all these years, just as a matter of standard procedure. Montgomery apparently knew some of them. But why come forward at all? Because he was already in prison? Because he felt remorse? Because he was going to die anyway? To Decker, who had lots of experience with hardened criminals, Montgomery simply didn’t look like the remorseful type. He just looked like the killer that he was.

Decker finished his coffee and sat back.

Someone knocked on his door. He looked at his watch. Seven-thirty.

He answered the door.

Special Agent Bogart looked back at him. He was carrying a large briefcase. He was well into his forties, tall and fit, with dark hair attractively mingled with silver. He possessed the air of quiet authority that one acquired by commanding people in difficult assignments. Childless, he was also separated from his wife and in the process of divorcing.

Behind him was Alex Jamison. She was tall and pretty, with brown hair, and her expressive eyes lit up when she saw Decker. She was holding a bag of food.

A jubilant Jamison said, “Surprise. Happy New Year!”

A beaming Bogart said, “I got word you had arrived early. Welcome to the FBI.”

Amos Decker said, “I have a case I want to investigate.”



DECKER MUNCHED ON his bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. Meanwhile, Jamison and Bogart were reading the articles on the laptop about Melvin Mars.

Bogart finally looked up and said, “Fascinating stuff, but that’s not really in our jurisdiction, Amos.”

Decker finished eating, took a final swallow of coffee, rolled up the wrapper, and made a three-pointer into the trash can next to the kitchen counter.

“What exactly is our jurisdiction, then?”

In answer Bogart opened up the briefcase and pulled out a large binder. He handed this to Decker. “I’ve already given Alex hers. These are the cases we’re considering. Read up on them. We’ll discuss them later at our meeting.”

“We’re here now. We’re meeting now.”

Bogart said, “There are two other members of the team.”

Jamison said, “I’ve met one of them, Amos, you’re going to like her.”

Decker kept his gaze on Bogart, who said, “So you knew this Melvin Mars?”

“I played against him in college. The only words I can remember saying to him were, ‘Sonofabitch, how’d you do that?’”

“He was that good?”

“He was the best I’d ever seen.”

Jamison said, “Well, he might be getting out of prison. That’s a good thing,”

“If he’s innocent,” amended Decker.

“Well, yes, of course.”

“I doubt they’ll release him unless they’re absolutely sure,” pointed out Bogart.

He glanced at Decker and nodded curtly. “Amos, it’s good to have you on board.”

Decker continued to stare at his laptop.

Bogart turned and left.

Jamison glanced at Decker. “Lots of changes,” she said. “In a short period of time.”

He shrugged.