Bogart didn’t look convinced but said, “Okay, we’ll play it that way. For now.” He put his hands in his pockets and studied the pavement. “We heard back from the pool service company the Wyatts used in Colorado. They came and winterized the pool two months ago, but didn’t see anyone. Their fees are on an automatic pay system. In fact, all their bills were on autopay. They didn’t have to interact with anyone. Dead end. No pun intended.”

“And Leopold?”

Bogart let out an extended breath. “Leopold, yes. I was getting to him. We finally got a hit.”

“His real name?”

“Surprisingly enough, Sebastian Leopold. You were right. He’s Austrian.”

“And his story?”

“Still coming in. But the gist is his wife and daughter were murdered and the killer was never brought to justice.”

“When did he come over here?”

“Hard to pin that down. The murder was eight years ago. So anytime after that, I guess. I doubt he’s here legally. But then again, I don’t think we’re as picky with Europeans as we are with other folks.”

“If he’s only been here a few years he’s worn his accent away relatively fast. He only had the one slip when I was talking with him. Can I see anything you have on him?”

“I’ll arrange it. Where will you be?”

“Back at the library at Mansfield.”

“You want a ride over there?”

“I need to make one stop first.”


“To pick up my partner.”

“Your partner? You don’t mean Lancaster? After what almost happened to her family I don’t think she’s up to it.”

“Mary is up to it.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I know Lancaster. She’s tougher than you and me combined.”



LANCASTER AND JAMISON were sitting across from Decker in the school library. They were awaiting Leopold’s files. Decker had filled Lancaster in on everything they had learned.

He said, “Bogart thinks that Belinda might not have filed a police report. He believes her parents might have discouraged her from doing so.”

“Talk about scum,” replied Lancaster fiercely.

“The thing is, her trauma left her with perfect recall. She would have remembered her attackers.”

“If she knew them in the first place,” said Jamison.

Decker replied, “Small-town Utah. Everybody probably knew everybody.”

“At the institute did she ever talk?” asked Lancaster.

“Almost never. In the group sessions she never talked about what had happened to her. I didn’t know until Dr. Marshall told me. And she was probably attacked because her assailants knew of her intersex condition,” added Decker.

Lancaster shook her head. “I never heard the term until you told me. I can’t imagine what that must have been like. You said Marshall told you she had one testis and one ovary?”


“The absolute shit she must have taken in school. In gym class, one of the other girls spots her private parts? Word spreads. It really must have been horrible.”

Decker was staring down at the document in front of him. He had just seen one fact that did not align with another.

Lancaster was well used to this look. “What?”

He glanced at her. “Dr. Marshall said the address he had in the file for Belinda’s parents was fifteen years old. But she was at the institute twenty years ago.”

“Well, maybe they kept in touch for some reason. I doubt Belinda stayed there for five years. It must be a more recent address.”

“But Marshall also said that the Wyatts never visited her at the institute. So why would he have had the later address in the first place? Were they corresponding?”

He pulled out his phone and made a call. Dr. Marshall was in a meeting but called back five minutes later.

“The info Bogart dug up says he was an assistant manager at the DMV. Mrs. Wyatt worked as a waitress in a diner.”

Jamison said, “They were definitely not pulling down big bucks. So how did they afford a house like that?”

“Well, you follow the money to answer that.” Decker got on his phone again. He asked Bogart this question.

When he clicked off he looked at Lancaster. “He’s going to check and get back to us.”

“What do you think is going on, Amos?” asked Lancaster.