Page 74 of Coveted Justice

“The project went on to make a huge profit. You missed out on that.”

“It was my call, so if I lost money it would be my own fault, not Marty’s. Listen, if you want to find out who killed him just look at his wife. They fought constantly and they didn’t care who was around to hear them. Or you could look at his son Drew. They absolutely despised one another. Marty never had a good word to say about Drew, and the feeling was definitely returned. Marty was at the end of his rope with Drew. He called him a loser and he didn’t know what to do to get his son to take some initiative in life. I told Marty he needed to cut off Drew once and for all. Sink or swim. That’s what my parents did, and I’m a better person for it. Drew is a grown-ass man who has never worked a day in his life. Whose fault was that? It was Marty’s, and he knew it. It tortured him. He felt like he’d failed his son.”

“Did you ever hear Drew and Marty arguing?”

Janice rolled her eyes and threw up her hands.

“Everyone has. I was waiting to see Marty and Drew was in his office. They were arguing about money, of course. Drew wanted money for a new car or something equally frivolous and Marty wasn’t having any of it. They were yelling at the top of their voices. I could hear them as I was walking up to the front door. The sad thing is Marty eventually gave in a few weeks later. I was meeting up with him to talk about the project and he was a little late. He’d been at the dealership signing the papers. Can you believe that?”

“He bought Drew the car?”

“Yes, and when I asked him why he said that he felt guilty about his divorce from their mother. Apparently, the divorce was ugly and the kids got pulled into it. You might want to talk to Patricia, his ex-wife. There was a lot of nastiness between them for a long time.”

Patricia Parnham had already been eliminated as a suspect since she was currently in the south of France.

“Can you think of anyone else that would want to hurt Marty? Friends or business associates?”

“No, but isn’t that enough? Two people would have been happy to see him six feet under. That’s more than your average person, I would imagine.”

Tanner thanked Janice for her time and headed out to his car. He hadn’t needed to ask her about an alibi for the time of the murder. Sam had already done that, and Jared was currently checking it out.

Frankly, he didn’t get the killer vibe from her. There hadn’t been any anger that she’d been trying to hide, nor had she seemed that upset.

She had, however, thrown others under the bus.

He wasn’t quite ready yet to take her off of the suspect list which was growing by the day.

Just how many people were pissed off at Marty Parnham?

Olivia Jaymes's Novels