Page 35 of Bittersweet Passion

‘I’m sorry about last night,’ Randy said over breakfast the next day, her eyes rueful. ‘I put my foot where my mouth is. I thought about it. I talked it over with Gilles.’

Claire’s lashes swept up. ‘You did what?’

Her friend groaned. ‘He’s my best friend next to you.’

‘I wish you hadn’t told him.’

‘I guess we could have said you were comfort-eating when you expanded,’ Randy retorted sarcastically.

Claire smiled. ‘I wasn’t planning on staying here.’

‘Start planning. Things have to change.’ Randy had a managerial air about her now. ‘First though … the only conclusion I came to was that he must be one hell of a guy.’

Claire’s green eyes filmed over.

‘But I hate getting maudlin over the breakfast table,’ added Randy hastily. ‘How do you intend to tell him?’

‘I don’t.’


‘I know him. He doesn’t want children.’ Claire tilted her chin. ‘And it would devastate him.’

Randy regarded her dimly. ‘It does take two, you know. I assume he knew what he was doing …’

Claire was thinking back to their wedding day. No, he had not quite known what he was d

oing, and he had not expected her to be quite the innocent she had proved to be. ‘He would feel responsible,’ she murmured tautly. ‘God, I couldn’t take that again! Don’t you understand?’

‘I’m trying … really I am, but that was one weird relationship you had.’

Dane had his freedom back. He was probably thriving on it. As far as he was concerned, she too was perfectly happy. Why rock the boat? Hadn’t she already upset his life enough? Becoming a father would not be something he could brush aside and forget, and one of the facets she had always loved in Dane was his unfettered honesty. She didn’t want him to be forced to lie and pretend to protect her feelings. The baby would be an unwelcome surprise that would unleash a whole host of complications. Anyway, could anyone in their right mind imagine Dane warming to a baby?

She rubbed her brow tiredly. ‘The baby is my responsibility and we’ll get by without hanging on anyone’s sleeve.’

Randy bit back a tirade. ‘Dane has got so much money it wouldn’t make any difference to him if you accepted that allowance his solicitor offered.

‘Why should Dane pay, when I was never his wife?’ she parried stubbornly.

‘Did I hear that right?’ Randy hesitated. ‘I mean, it is his? Yes, of course it is, but really, Claire, you’re being very … secretive.’

Claire had no doubts about the decision not to tell Dane. She loved him too much to think of inflicting such news upon him in the name of honesty. It wouldn’t be fair. Dane would halt the divorce proceedings she presumed Lew had begun. He would take on an obligation he had never wanted, and deep down inside he would be stifling his anger.

The weeks drifted past and became months. Spring passed by and then early summer. She continued to work for John and indeed she was on a shopping trip for him when she bumped into Gilles one morning in Harrods. He set her back from him, smiling. ‘A most prophetic meeting,’ he teased. ‘It’s Randy’s birthday next week and I’m at a loss.’

She grinned. ‘I don’t believe you.’

His dark brows quirked. ‘It stopped you breezing past.’

‘I don’t breeze anywhere these days.’ She felt like a barge in her floral cotton dress and flat shoes on this warm day.

He just laughed and anchored a careless arm round her shoulders. ‘I think I’ll take you out to lunch.’

‘John’s expecting me back.’

Gilles stared down at her. ‘John works you through your lunch hour? He has no appreciation for the clock,’ he retorted crisply. ‘And you’re not being very sensible doing that in your condition.’

‘Don’t!’ she groaned.