Rhadamanthus dipped his head in acknowledgment. "No, indeed," he said gravely. "We do not wish to witness such a terrifying sight."

"I'm being serious here," I growled. "I can be fucking mean when I'm angry."

Rhadamanthus' brows shot up. "Milady has used the F-word! Such meanness!"

Minos slowly shook his head. "Such display of meanness is...legendary." A moment of intense silence followed right after, and as the ARM slowly turned their gazes towards me...

I made a face. "Hilarious."

But this only earned me an additional ten seconds of smirks and snickers.

"Come on, guys. Seriously. Do you really not think I should be with Hadrian—-"

"Yes," the ARM answered in unison.


"It is as Lord Hades said, milady," Aeacus answered simply. "Persephone's counsel would likely speak undesirable words about you, and Lord Hades would just as likely lose his temper if he sees you the slightest bit affected."

"I'm not that fragile," I protested.

"It is true that you are the furthest thing from fragile and ladylike," Aeacus acknowledged.

"Uh, that's not actually what I said—-"

"But be that as it may, Lord Hades is fiercely protective towards you," the immortal judge-slash-vassal interrupted with a shrug, "and so it is best that we do as he bids."

I wanted to keep arguing over this, but with Spiro coming back bearing a tray of drinks, I was forced to paste a smile on my lips and put a halt to our conversation.

"May I pour tea into your cup, milady?" Spiro asked hopefully.

"Yes, please, and thank you."

The boy looked close to fainting, and while he really was too sweet for words, I was also on pins and needles for him to leave.

The only reason my pending case before the Olympian High Court hadn't earned a single minute of airtime on The Morning Show with Iris & Friends was because Eunomia, the Goddess of Justice, had put into effect a media blackout on the whole thing. None of us were to speak about the case in public, and anyone caught violating her rule would be immediately made to help Sisyphus roll his boulder up a hill for a day.

While the gag order was definitely to my advantage, it also meant I had to be extra discreet myself, and well...

Let's just say keeping my mouth shut had never been a piece of cake for me, and it was an even bigger problem now, with how worried I was about Hadrian being all on his own while facing Persephone and her legal squad. Sure, I knew he was tough as nails and all, but—-

"Tell me honestly..." I spoke as soon as Spiro was out of earshot, and something in my tone must've alerted them, with the ARM swiftly turning my way, their expressions sober.

"I know Hadrian doesn't want me hearing things that could hurt me, but what about him? Is there anything Persephone could say that might hurt Hadrian? And before you even start thinking things - I'm not asking this because I'm feeling jealous or insecure. Well, okay, I do feel a bit of both, but more than that, I just want to make sure I can be truly there for Hadrian. I don't want him hurt—-"

"I appreciate the concern, my love," a deep, gravelly voice murmured from behind, "but as you can now see for yourself, I've emerged from the meeting still in one piece."

Chapter Two

I can't believe we're doing this here!

And yet it was indeed happening.

We were still in the tavern, the ARM was looking rather stoic on a table just a few feet away from us, whilst I...

I was flat on my back on another table, fingers gripping the edges as Hadrian pounded into my body with deep, forceful thrusts, and no one...absolutely no one was looking at us!

Who could've thought one of Hadrian's powers as a natural-born Olympian included being able to make himself and whoever else he wanted invisible when on Mt. Olympus? And of all the things to use such powers for...who would've thought someone as sensible as the Lord of the Underworld would use them to get away with public sex?

The part of me that wanted to be a respectable LOTUS was thinking this was a completely bad idea that could only backfire one way or another. But the part of me that was all slut woman, well...

A moan slipped past my lips when Hadrian suddenly hauled me up, and my legs locked around his waist just as his mouth latched to my breast. He started suckling on my nipple, and a shudder rocked my body. All I could do was hold on to my husband's broad shoulders as his enormous cock drove harder and faster inside of me.

"I'm about to cum," Hadrian rasped, and just hearing him say the words was like having something inside of me switch on, and all I could do was dig my nails deep into his back—-