Page 47 of Weaver

“I’m good. Thanks. I should be there and back by later tonight. So I’ll see you then…” I let the words hang in the air, hoping he bought my excuse.

Roarke remained close, tucking a strand of my dark-auburn hair behind my ear. “See you then.”

I reached up, feeling something in my hair, and plucked out a miniature rose. I stared at his back as he walked out the front door, knowing he’d disappear as soon as he reached the shadows.

Keelyn was in my face a second later. “Seriously, how could you keep something like this from me? Why did you never mention you had a drop-dead gorgeous friend before?” She plopped down in his vacated chair, waiting for me to explain.

The lie coated my tongue, but the words slid easily enough past my lips. “He’s the son of a longtime friend of my mother’s and was only in town for a few days. He just stopped by to tell me he was leaving.”

Keelyn cocked her head. “How did he know you were here?”

My mouth gaped, the same question ringing in my ears. How did he track me to the library?

“Milly?” Keelyn’s voice roused me again.

“Yeah, I’m not really sure. He probably just remembered the library was the only other place I’d spent time as a kid.”

It sounded plausible enough, but I wasn’t sure she was buying it.

Finally, she winked. “Well, next time he comes to town, you better invite me to dinner.” She stood from the chair, walking away with a skip in her step.

Relieved the interrogations were over, I stared at the tiny flower in my hand, trying to figure out how to get to Augusta and back before nightfall.

The bus would take too long, and I didn’t own a car. So…

I stood and gathered my things, signing out of the computer and walking back to the front desk.

“Done already?” Keelyn asked.

I smiled and nodded confidently despite the fact I was trembling inside. “May I ask you a favor?” I tugged the strap of my shoulder bag tighter, needing somewhere to put my hands.

“Sure. How can I help?”

I inhaled sharply, then spewed my request. “I need to borrow your car for the rest of the day.”

Tish Thawer's Novels