He was bigger, harder, more muscular, but there was no mistaking who that was or what he was doing. He was a fighter. He’d found some kind of peace in fucking killing people. All this time she’d been waiting for him to return, taking each day at a time, waiting, wondering when he’d come back, and this was her payment. So much for waiting for the love of her life.

They were supposed to be together forever and always. That was their thing.

“You are going to love this Italian place. Their Bolognese is just the best.”

She glanced over at him. This date was going to be a disaster. He’d picked an Italian place, just like Simon had for their date. She didn’t want to make comparisons, but she couldn’t seem to help it.

“So Tiny tells me you like gardening.”

Her father had seen her in the garden once, and that was to try to organize her on this date. She didn’t like gardening at all. It was a necessary evil. “Yep. Don’t like weeds growing in my yard.”

“Is that what you want to do as a professional?”

“No. I like to keep my yard tidy and it keeps my son happy.” She didn’t want to talk about her son. Unless it got him off her case. If he told Tiny the date was awful, her father would back off. It would be a win-win for her.

Folding her arms, she released a sigh. “Are we there yet? I’m starving. I forgot to eat earlier. I made Nathan some pasta. I’m not big on the whole Italian. Nathan farted in—”

Niles started to laugh, which she didn’t like. As she stared at him, he didn’t stop. “Want to tell me what is so funny?”

“Your father. He told me that you’re not the easiest woman to get along with. He also advised me that you might try to be a bit of a pain.”

“And you still wanted to go on a date with me?” she asked.

“I doubt it escaped your notice that I’m always on the main floor when you enter.”

She had seen him. “You’re a stalker.”

“No. I’m not a stalker. I like you, Tabitha. I just didn’t know how to approach you.”

“Look, I want to be straight with you. I didn’t want this date.”

“I know. You don’t have to make it bad for either of us.”

“I don’t want to give you the wrong impression. Believe me. There’s no chance here.”

“Is this because of Nathan’s father?”

She didn’t know who Nathan’s father was. Simon or Ryan. Both were the same problem. “You could say that.”

“I’m not a bad guy. Yes, I am a pompous ass. I make a good living and I’m a workaholic. My life has been in that bank, but when I look at you, Tabitha, I see a great deal and I just, let me at least take you on this date as friends. Can you give me that?” he asked.

She wanted to tell him no. “You’re not … you’re not going to assume that if I say yes that it will mean we’re going to be dating all the time?”

Niles laughed. “You certainly know how to make a guy feel special.”

She thought of Luke. “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I don’t see this going anywhere. I have a son. A whole lot of issues with his father. To be frank, if I get my hands on him, there’s a chance I’m going to beat the crap out of him.” Tabitha nibbled on her lip. “You and I, we don’t mesh well.”

“Then let’s have a nice meal between friends. I won’t expect a second date and you can be assured I will enjoy the food and the company, but not expect anything else.”

“Okay, Niles. You surprise me.”

“I have that wonderful way about me.” He reached over and patted her leg. “Now, do you like Italian?”

“I don’t eat meat but I do love pasta.”

“Don’t worry, Tiny told me you don’t eat meat. I checked with the restaurant and they’ve got plenty of pasta dishes for you to pick from.”

“If you’re so nice and accommodating, why are you still single? I’m sure a lot of women would love to have you.”

“Ah, but it is also my choice. I’m … picky.”

She burst out laughing. “You’re picky and you think I’m the perfect candidate to date? You do know my dad was once President of The Skulls. I’m his daughter. The club life is all I know. I used to beat people up. I’ve got an attitude.”

“Yes, I know all of this, but you see, I also saw that you’re a fighter. You don’t allow anyone to walk all over you. You fight for what you want. You’re kind even if you don’t want me to see just how much you are. You’re considerate and above all else, you love family. You’re a family woman. I don’t see a single thing I don’t like. You’re incredible.”