The Skulls hadn’t pulled away from her. She’d come away from them. It had been easier for her to do that than to take every single day waiting for them to hate her or Nathan.

“I’m going to go to Piston County.”


“It’s the right thing to do.” She pulled away from him. “I’ll miss you. I will. Always, but I’ve got to do this. Either to get closure on it, or to just get some answers.”

“He’s already taken so much from you.”

“Not really.” She reached for her necklace and held up the ring Simon had given her. “You see this, this is important. This is everything. I love him. I can’t stop loving him, but I know I can’t live like this anymore. I don’t want to. It’s not good for Nathan.”

“What about school?” Miles asked.

“They have schools over there. It’s all very civilized.”

“Ass, I don’t mean it like that.” This time, he nudged her shoulder. Finally, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “I’m going to miss you.”

“I’m going to miss you too.”

“You’ll be safe though, right? No funny business.”

“Nothing. I promise. I’ll be good.”Chapter FiveTwo days later

After dropping Nathan off at school, Tabitha headed back to her brand-new apartment. It wasn’t too far from where Devil and Lexie lived. It was a new build and expensive. She couldn’t have afforded it on her own, but it turned out Chaos Bleeds liked to invest in housing and apartments. She was living here rent-free.

After letting herself in, she made herself a cup of coffee and got to work putting her and Nathan’s stuff away. She’d done a lot the past couple of days. She hated living in mess. As she set up Nathan’s room with the toys he loved and the clothes already hanging up in his closet, there was a knock on the door.

Rubbing her hands down her jeans, she went to answer to find Lexie on the doorstep.

“Morning. I thought I’d come around,” Lexie said.

After recovering from breast cancer five years ago, Lexie looked like her old self. Her hair had grown back, richer in color than ever before.

“Sure, come on in.” Tabitha left Lexie to close the door. “You want coffee?”

“Love some.”

Heading to the machine, she had no doubt Chaos Bleeds had intended for her to live here from the start. The apartment was fully furnished. There was no need for her to buy even the simplest of things like pillows or lampshades. Everything had been catered to her every need, even in colors she liked as well.

Did Simon have something to do with that?

Lexie joined her in the kitchen as she added some milk to the coffee before handing it to her.

“You’re kid-free for a change,” Tabitha said.

Her mother-in-law laughed.

Mother-in-law. It seemed rather odd to think of her that way, even after all these years. She poured herself a cup, the second one of the day, and sat down at the small table. The first sip had her closing her eyes, enjoying the taste.

“School days just lately, I’m always on my own,” Lexie said. “Not that it’s a problem. I’m always keeping busy.”

Tabitha smiled.

“You haven’t answered my question.”

“Some shouldn’t be answered.” She reached out, putting a hand on Lexie’s arm when she got the sense the other woman wanted to argue. “Please, don’t let me open whatever that will. It’s not going to be good for either of us.”

There was a hole inside her and it was fast growing into something she didn’t like. The fight had helped her to let it out. Nathan had been shocked by the bruises on her face and the truth was she liked them. The pain helped her to feel alive. To know she was still human. She was still … herself.

Fighting had become second nature to her during high school. Since having Nathan and living her life, she hadn’t allowed herself even the luxury of watching people fight.

This was the first time she’d done something so selfish, just for her. She wanted to do it again.