He chuckled, turning to place a cup in front of her. “Drink up.”

“Simon, come on, be serious.”

“I am. We’ve got a lot of unresolved issues. I know you’re angry. You want to fuck my brains out and gouge out my eyes. I know which one I’d prefer more.”

Her treacherous body certainly responded to the thought of fucking him. They had been enjoying each other, and their short-married life had been perfect. Their time in the bedroom even more so. They’d both been virgins, but fast learners as well, and they had loved exploring one another. Staring down at the coffee, she wanted to fight this. He’d been gone so long. It wasn’t fair.

None of this was fair anymore, and she was tired of it.

“I want a divorce.” She said the words she truly believed she was never going to say, but they had to come out.

This with Simon, it hurt too much. She was done, and it was time to move on.


“You do know the way to get a woman to forgive you is not to tie her up in a basement to a chair,” Dean said.


Simon looked down the street. So far, no one was aware of his presence. He had five guys living in Piston County and they had been able to make themselves blend into the neighborhood. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his father, it was that he simply didn’t trust him. Yeah, made no sense, but he understood his thoughts.

“You’re going to fuck this up,” Dean said.

They had gotten closer with their time on the road. Riding from town to town, sometimes not having any money to find a nice motel or even a run-down, rat-infested building. They had become well-acquainted with the night sky, and of course thunderstorms as well.

They’d been through a lot together. Finding hell and working their way out of it. Dean was no longer the nice little rich boy he’d been. Gone were the soft edges and easy smiles. What stood in its place was a hardened man life hadn’t been nice to. He’d seen what the hard life was all about.

During their travels, they’d gotten hurt a time or two. Their shit stolen.

Simon had become hard, as had Dean. It was what they did. Like his father before him, he’d managed to somehow draw people to him. Pa, Felix, Knight, Twig, and Teddy were amazing guys. They were the kind of people he could trust. In their own way, they’d become a family. He wasn’t sure exactly if this was how his father had found the club he now had, or how each member gravitated to Chaos Bleeds. Either way, it had worked. He’d always been clear to the guys that he intended to go home. Piston County was where he belonged. There were always odd moments when he truly believed he would never return home, but each time he thought of his woman, there was no doubt in his mind. She was where he was meant to be. Wherever Tabby was, he’d be. He’d already spent so much time away from her, there was just no way he’d be able to let her go.

He wouldn’t be without them now. When he’d told them what he had to do, where he was going to go, they had followed him. No questions asked. They knew how important Tabby was to him.

Now he had her tied up.

“I’m not going to fuck anything up,” he said, finally answering Dean’s statement.

“No? The girl of your dreams is locked up back at the cabin. She wants to talk to her son, which could be yours, or the rapist you killed.”

“Enough, Dean.”

Dean held his hands out. “It’s not good for you to hide out.”

“I’m not hiding out. I’m simply not going to think about him. Not right now.”

“Why don’t you just go to your dad?” Dean asked. “All this sneaking makes me feel like you’re going to strike out. Take the club from him.”

“I’m not taking the club from him.”

“Then what is all of this about?” Dean asked.

Staring out of the window, he watched his father step out of the shop. His mother, Lexie, was in the doorway. A young boy with dark hair stood in front of her. Devil crouched down and gave his cheek a squeeze.

The kid was too young to be his brother or sister. He didn’t know if any of his siblings had kids. Elizabeth would be of age, but she’d always been about studying. He stared at the boy and he just knew. This was Tabby’s baby. This was Nathan.

Simon didn’t know what he expected, but a sudden wave of love washed over him as he looked at that boy.

He knew from his own coloring and Ryan’s, Nathan could be either of theirs, but knowing he was Tabby’s, it did something to him.