Simon couldn’t take his eyes off her.

She dropped her hands by her sides, closing her eyes. “I get that you want to keep the peace, but they have taken too much.” She tapped her foot. “They’re not going to take any more. They don’t deserve it. An eye for an eye. That’s what happened.”

“I do believe they want to settle this.”

“No,” she said. “If they want to settle this they talk to me.”

“Tabby,” Simon said. “This isn’t your place.”

“One of their sons raped me. He waited until I was alone, defenseless. I fought. I tried, and he didn’t stop. I begged him to stop. He didn’t listen. If they want a sit down with anyone, it will be with me. I will negotiate any future deals. They have no power and it’s about time we took back what we’ve been giving them.”

She took Simon’s hand. “He’s my man. I only just got him back. I’m not losing him. This stinks of a trap, bringing Simon back. Not happening. If you go, I go with you. Tonight. I want to deal with this now. I’m not waiting around anymore. I’m done.”

“No,” Simon said. He pulled her close. “You’re not doing this.”

“I am, because you’re not going to pay that price.”

“I’d have to arrange a time and place,” Lash said.

“No,” she said. “Tonight. Now. Miles and Daisy are with Nathan. I want to go tonight.”Chapter FifteenThe drive from Piston County was a long one.

Tabitha hadn’t taken no for an answer.

Rather than ride with her dad or Lash, Devil had opted to come with her. Neither of them had spoken on the journey. She didn’t have a whole lot to say.

Words weren’t necessary.

She’d tried to sleep, but that was a long way off. There was no way she could sleep right now. She was too wired. Too prepared.

Her hands shook a little.

Devil made a stop to fill up with gas and buy her a few snacks. Even as her stomach revolted at the prospect of food, she shoved it into her mouth. She didn’t taste it.

Time ticked on by.

Her cell phone blowing up.

She’d asked Simon to stay with Nathan. He’d need someone while she was away.

“Are you okay?” Devil asked, clearing his throat.


“Your hands are shaking.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine.”

She put her hands flat to her knees, trying to hide the shake. “I’ll be fine. I will. I promise.”

“I’d do anything for her.”

“Is that why you’re not angry at Simon over what he did?”

“I’m angry at him for not doing it properly.” Devil winced. “I bet not many fathers-in-law would say that.”

“No, I don’t imagine there are.”

“He should have taken Ryan, but covered his tracks. It doesn’t matter now. We can’t go back in time and change anything. He did what he did, and we’ve all had to deal with the consequences.” Devil patted her knee. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” he asked. They were on the street toward the Monster Dogs’ clubhouse.