
“How do you feel about that?” Daisy stared at her while asking the question.

“He’s not touching any other women right now,” Bella said, feeling uncomfortable with the turn of conversation.

“Let me make myself clear, Daisy. I’m not dealing with submissives right now. Bella has my full, undivided attention and I will not let her out of my sight.”

Pressing hands to her face, Bella was totally mortified.

“Good, she’s special to us.”

“I’m a grown woman.”

“You’re the baby of the family. He’ll understand our concern. From what I’ve heard, he’s a good, talented Dom.”

“I am.”

She looked up to see the smug look on his face. Bella was saved from having to answer by their mother shouting that dinner was ready. She got up and followed her sister through the house to the dining room. A pale blue table cloth covered the table with two places set along the left hand side and one space for her sister on the right. Her mother and father would be sitting at either end. In the center of the table, placemats were set to take the hot food on platters. Her parents had gone all out for the luxury of a Sunday roast. Wine glasses were at the top right of each plate.

For the next hour she had to watch her parents give lovey eyes to each other, give advice for a happy marriage, and do everything vomit worthy a child shouldn’t have to watch. Yes, their love was a beautiful thing but not when you were introducing them to new people.

By five o’clock she wondered if Jake would even want to date her. He stayed away from her sister so losing his attention there was a bust. Her plans, when it came to him, always messed up.

In the car, she sat back staring out of the window.

“I like your family,” Jake said.

“Seriously? They were all over themselves. It’s embarrassing.”

“I thought it was sweet. They’ve been married a long time and the love is still strong. I think it’s something you need to admire, not mock.”

“I’m not mocking.” She ran fingers through her hair, trying to do something with her hands. “What did you think of my sister?”

“You’re getting a spanking when we get home.”

Her pussy swamped with cream at the threat. What the hell was that all about? “What? Why?”

“You heard me. You’re going over my knee and I’m going to spank your ass until you learn a lesson.”

“What lesson do I need to learn?”

He glanced at her. “Trying to push me toward your sister is not fucking funny. What part of us being a couple didn’t you understand?”

Heat filled her cheeks at being caught. Crap.

“Yeah, I know what you were trying to do.” He focused on the road in front.

What could she say to make this right?

You want this spanking.

* * * *

Jake noticed she didn’t argue. A quick glanced at her and he saw her hands rested in her lap.

“Why?” he asked, to understand her reasoning.

“I lost the bet and I thought the best way of getting rid of you would be for you to like my sister more.”

He cursed, pressing his foot down on the gas. When he got home her ass was his. Jake didn’t care if the spanking he’d give was her first. She needed to learn not to push him away. “You seriously think your sister would appeal to me?”

“She appeals to everyone. Daisy is a sweet woman, gorgeous, sexy, and she knows how to have a good time.”

“Didn’t we have a great time last night?” He sure as fuck did. They’d not had sex but touching, talking, and being together had been fun for him. Nothing was expected from him other than his company.

“Yes, I did. You’ve got to understand that Friday night was the first night I went out. I don’t like going out or drinking. I struggle to talk and be myself.” Her hands were flying about as she spoke. The emotion in her voice touched a part of him.

They needed to finish this conversation in the car. The moment they hit his apartment she would be over his knee. “I’m not looking for that.”

“You work in a club,” she said.

“Yes, exactly. I work at Extreme between five and six nights a week. This weekend is my one off in the month. The next three I’ll be there until three in the morning. I don’t want to spend my free time drinking.”

“Why were you at Mixers?” she asked.

“Chris called me. I wanted a good time and life has been shitty of late. I fucked up, like I told you. I had no one but my friend, and I’d not seen him for a long time. Mixers was the first time I went out in over four months.” He slammed his palm down on the wheel. “I’m not a big partier, Bella. I got that shit out of my system years ago.”

She was silent for several minutes. “I like books.”

“So? I like watching you. Do you see me trying to get rid of you because I like watching you?” This morning when he woke up, he spent an hour simply watching her sleep. “When I’m not working, I train with my equipment in my gym or I go for a run. If I’m bored, I’ll go to Extreme to see that everything is fine. I live a fucking boring life, Bella. You’re not the only one who isn’t doing shit.”

He nodded at the guard as he pulled into the underground parking lot. Turning off the ignition, he turned to look at her. Tears shone in her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“Don’t judge what I want and don’t even try to push another woman my way otherwise I’m going to get angry.” Unbuckling his seatbelt, he climbed out of the car going around to her side.

She took the hand he offered. Together they made their way toward the elevator. He stayed quiet while she stared straight ahead. Placing his palm at the base of her back, he felt her tense. “Relax.”

“I feel awful.”

“You’re going to give me this relationship, aren’t you?” he asked, pressing a finger in deep.



“Because I want to. I hate the thought of you going elsewhere when I’m right here. You make me feel things no one else ever has.”

“Good.” He had no intention of going anywhere else. Tomorrow when he saw Ryan, he’d be talking with him about stopping his training.