Together, they walked toward the corner furthest away from the dance floor. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Glancing around the room, Bella wondered what was causing her to feel nervous. She didn’t see anything to cause alarm and sat down, listening to Maya list all of Dale’s negative points.

She sipped from the bottle all the time conscious of someone staring at her. Tucking some hair behind her ear, she paid more attention to Maya than anyone else. Minutes later, Dawn and Charlotte joined them. Bella smiled as they all started to complain about Dale and his antics.

From the sound of it she had a narrow escape.

* * * *

Jake stared at the raven haired beauty and his cock thickened at the sight of her. She wore a modest skirt and tight fitting top, putting all of her beautiful curves on display. The moment he spotted her being led away from the bar, he’d been addicted. Chris was busy chatting up a blonde while also watching Maya. He recognized her from Extreme as she was one of the subs who visited regularly. The other woman, however, he’d never seen before. He couldn’t even recall her from any of the other clubs he frequented.

“I can’t believe she’s here,” Chris grumbled while the blonde walked away.


“Maya. She’s not spoken to me since I stopped going to fucking Extreme. It’s a nightmare.”

Chris and Maya were Dom and sub during the night but by day, they rarely spoke to one another. At least that’s what Chris always told him. Watching the way his friend eye fucked the other woman, Jake started to have his doubts about his friend’s lack of interest in the other woman. Maya clearly meant a great deal to him. Jake didn’t know much about her, other than she was owned by Chris while in Extreme.

“Why haven’t you been going back to the club? I know it has nothing to do with me.” Jake took a sip of his beer, unable to keep his gaze away from the woman. She was so full and practically begging to be fucked. Didn’t any other male see the need lurking in her eyes?

She kept looking around, biting her plump lip. All he saw was the way her lips would look wrapped around his cock as she sucked him deep into her mouth. In all the years he’d been sexually active, he’d never had this strong a reaction to a woman. His first time never compared to this feeling of need.

Staring at her, Jake wondered what it was about her that pulled him in.

“I can’t go to Extreme at the risk of bumping into my sister. You may be happy for her to know your sexual preferences, I, however, do not.” Chris shuddered. “Just thinking about it gives me the creeps.”

Chuckling, he kept his gaze on the prize for tonight. He wasn’t allowed any of the women at the club but he could have his pick of women outside. His dominant side was laid to rest until further notice.

The mysterious beauty followed her friends out onto the dance floor. He watched her start to move, stepping from one foot to another. She never moved fast or slow but kept to the same pace over and over.

Sipping more of his beer, he waited for the right opportunity to strike.

Maya had two men sidling up to her. Their arms went around her body, touching every inch of available flesh.

“Fuck this,” Chris said, getting to his feet. “She can’t fucking ignore me and then pull this shit.”

He got to his feet and knew his moment would come soon enough.

Chris pushed the men aside and wrapped his arms around Maya. She glared up at him, fighting the embrace.

Jake chose that moment to distract the beauty he wanted. He encircled his arm around her waist, pulling her back against him.

“Hey, what are you doing?” she asked, tensing in his arms.

Smiling, he spun her around to face him.

“Leave them to their fight. They know each other and it’s better to leave them to get acquainted.” Pulling her close, he inhaled her floral scent, which went straight to his cock.

It took every ounce of will power to hold back a groan he really wanted to release.

“They know each other?”

“Yeah, I don’t know how long they’ll continue to know each other after the attitude Chris just displayed.” Steering her away from her friend, he took her toward the edge of the floor. There were not as many people and he got the chance to hold her. “The name is Jake,” he said, introducing himself.

“Bella.” She gave him a quick smile then looked toward Maya.

“She’s safe, I promise you.”

“How do I know you’re safe?” she challenged.

Laughing, he pulled her in close, making her aware of his aroused state. “The only thing you’ve got to be worried about is dealing with my rock hard cock.”

She gasped, jerking away.

He placed a hand on her back keeping her in place.

“I don’t know what to say.”

Releasing her hand, he cupped her cheek feeling the softness of her skin. “You do not have to say a thing, baby. Dance with me and we’ll see how this goes.”

For several minutes Bella didn’t move. She kept her gaze on him. He saw she was weighing up the options on what to do. Should she stay or flee?

He really hoped she found the courage to stay. Chris would deal with the friend while he got to taste this sweet little morsel all for himself. For the next hour he danced with Bella, feeling every inch of her body. When they took refreshments he noted her shaking hands along with Dale’s interest in her. Dale was also a Dom but he didn’t seek employment under Ryan. He participated in the club as a guest, nothing more.

Reaching out, he pushed some hair back from her face. Jake found any excuse to touch her. They danced together for another hour without any interruptions from their friends. Maya and Chris were nowhere to be seen. Escorting Bella to the corner of the club he smiled down at her. There was something so warm and comforting about her that called to a part of him. It had been so long since he’d been this connected to a woman. The subs he took to train were only there for one thing, to learn as much from him before finding a Dom of their own.

When he leaned in close and she didn’t back down, he dropped a kiss to her lips. At first, she tensed and her eyes grew wide.

“Fuck, Bella, I need you.” He kissed her neck, sucking her flesh into his mouth.

“Take me now,” she said, speaking before she thought.

“Come back to my place. We can spend the weekend together.”

Shaking her head, she kept him close. “No, now.” Licking her lips, she stared at his chest trying to find the courage to say the words. “Fuck me, Jake.” They spilled out of her lips, even though they sounded strange.

Chancing a glance at him, she saw he was going to reject her. “Don’t you want to have a little fun?” she asked, trying with all of her might to tempt him.