She was warmed by his touch. “It shouldn’t be that way, Jake. Your parents are supposed to be there for you, love you, care for you.”

“My parents are nothing like that. I accepted it years ago. They’re just a chain around my neck.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. “I’ll be back before you know it. Eat your salad, call Maya, and arrange for us to eat that cake. We’re going to be married.”

* * * *

Jake entered the large city apartment complex thirty minutes later. The last time he’d been here was three years ago when he first took the job at Extreme. His parents disapproved of him the whole of his life. He wasn’t lying to Bella when he told her how he felt about them. They meant nothing to him.

Ever since he’d moved out when he was eighteen, he had nothing to do with them other than necessary. They were necessary to get into college. Other than that, he didn’t need them.

Several women looked his way as he passed. Ignoring all of them, he entered the lift to take him to the top floor. It had to be the top as his parents looked down over everyone else.

The door pinged open, letting him onto the floor. He knocked on the main door and waited for his parents to let him inside. A butler answered the door, one Jake didn’t recognize but who clearly recognized him.

“Come in, sir.”

He walked past the butler going toward the room sounds were coming out of. When he got to the entrance and looked in he saw his mother, dressed in the latest fashion with her hair piled on top of her head. The latest round of Botox removed any wrinkles in sight. No one would realize she was nearing fifty. She was tall, slender, and the ugliness in her eyes always annoyed him. One look at Bella and his mother would rip her apart. June Smith would never allow her son to marry such a mouse.

Shaking his head, he entered the room, spotting his father near the window. The last rumor of his father was that Edward Smith took care of three mistresses in three different states along with his wife.

This was his family. The image of Bella’s family entered his mind. His mother and father were far apart. No love or need between them. He doubted either loved the other.

“It’s about time. I was starting to worry,” June said, glaring at him. “Your son is here.”

Edward turned.

“So, this is your son.”

Another voice brought his attention to the other side of the room. A blonde with fake tits and a skinny frame smiled at him.

“I’m Shawna. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Son, meet your future wife,” Edward said, moving closer into the room.

“I’m engaged to be married.”

“We know all about the fat frump. There’s money there but not enough, baby. Shawna is the heir to a line of beauty products and what’s more, she wants the match just as much as you,” June said.

Jake looked between all three people.

“You can keep your woman on the side. I won’t interfere, providing you’ll be seen at social events and then give me a child when the need is there. I’ll do what I want, you’ll do what you want. Only our names will be tied together,” Shawna said, taking over the conversation. “Everything will be perfect.”

He looked at his father who was already talking on his phone.

Images of Sabrina and Kyle entered his head. Jake wondered what Kyle would think if someone even suggested he keep a mistress.

June and Shawna started arranging the wedding.

Put a stop to this for the last time.

“No,” he said.

“Oh for fuck sake, Jake, grow the fuck up. You’re marrying Shawna and that’s final. You never do what you’re told. You’re always hanging out with the riff-raff at that club. No wonder you’re a problem child,” June ranted. “You know where your bread is buttered. What will you do without us?”

What would he do without them?

Smiling, Jake held his hands up in the air. “I’d be fucking happy. You’re an embarrassment to me.” He turned to Shawna. “I won’t be marrying you. Find some other poor sap to link your name with.” Back to his parents, he shot them a glare. “As for the two of you. This is final. I’ve had enough of being a pawn for you to use in your pathetic battles or your aim to better yourself. It’s over, finished.”

June snorted. The words that came out of her mouth filled him with anger. “If you think we’re going to accept that fat bitch—”

Jake interrupted his mother before she got chance to finish her sentence. “You’ll not get a chance to get near her or any children. I’ll be working at Extreme and providing for my wife and any children we hope to have. I don’t need you. I don’t fucking want you.” No one said crap like that about his wife and got away with it. “I finally know what it’s like to have a family and neither of you fit the bill.” Jake started to laugh. For the first time in years he felt alive. The prospect of his life had never been so freeing. “This is the last time you’ll see or hear from me.”

“I doubt that. You’ll come crawling back when you need us,” June said, flicking her hand out. “You were always a sniveling little boy.”

Jake chuckled. “No, I won’t. This is the best thing I’ve ever done.”

Turning on his heel, he walked toward the door.

“You’ll have no money.”

Glancing over his shoulder toward his father, he smiled. “Apart from the inheritance from my grandfather, but it’s going to be the most fantastic life I’ve ever been part of.”

He left his parents apartment, going back down to the ground floor. Climbing into his car, he checked his cell phone to see Bella had gone to see her parents and wished him luck with his own.

Closing his cell, he made his way toward the Drummond’s place. He heard commotion around the garden when he parked his car. He walked around and saw Bella spinning on the porch wearing a white dress. Jake didn’t care if that was the dress or if it was bad luck.

“Sabrina, move out of the way. He’s on a mission,” Kyle said.

Her mother moved out of his way. Charging to Bella’s side, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her in close. Slamming his lips down on hers, he plundered her mouth with his tongue.

“You’ll get your gun and castrate me. I’m well aware of the threat.” Glancing over his shoulder to his gorgeous wife, he leaned in close. “If I ever hurt her or give you reason to doubt my feelings for her, I’ll take myself out.”

“Good, it’s the exact same thing I said to Sabrina’s father. Not a day goes by when I don’t try and make her smile. She’s my life.” The love shining in Kyle’s eyes was something Jake wanted.

When he looked at Bella, there was no other woman for him. She called to him, begged for him to love her and take care of her.

“I’m going to dance with my wife,” he said, walking around Kyle.

He wrapped an arm around her hip a long few seconds later and nodded at Ryan.