“We’re not having this conversation here. It’s not fair, and I’ve never done anything to you.” She pressed her hands to his chest, hoping he’d back away and get the message.

Again, nothing happened. Jake didn’t budge.

“Bella, dear, we need your help,” Mavis said, calling toward her.

“When do you stop for your lunch break?” he asked.


“I’ll be here, waiting. You’re not going anywhere and we’re going to have this conversation whether you like it or not.”

Nodding, she waited for him to release her and she scrambled toward the front of the library. There was a queue demanding attention. Even though her hands were shaking she started to serve people. The next couple of hours were filled with her putting books on the shelves, serving people, and making coffee for the staff. She really didn’t mind working at the library, but the peace it gave her wasn’t there today with Jake’s presence. She saw him standing outside the door, waiting for her. Every now and then he talked on the phone.

Would it be possible for her to skip out on their conversation by hiding away?

No, don’t back down. Remember, he means nothing to you.

By lunchtime she wanted to hit him for invading her life. Meeting men at clubs and leaving them didn’t give the men permission to seek her out. She grabbed her coat and met him outside.

“We’re going to the Italian restaurant down the road. I’ve booked us a table.”

She didn’t argue or say a word. When he grabbed her arm, she pulled away, walking by his side.

Jake didn’t fight her, which she was pleased about.

They entered the restaurant and she tried to protest when he pulled out her chair. Why was he acting like the perfect gentleman?

Pushing her glasses up her nose, she smoothed her skirt suddenly realizing she wasn’t dressed for something like this. She stared around the room seeing other women looking sexy, sensual as they were in nice looking clothes.

The waiter came to hand them a menu. Jake thanked him.

Staring at him, Bella waited for him to speak.

“Pick something to eat. I don’t want to be interrupted by the waiter asking for our orders.”

Looking over the menu, she picked something quickly, being sure not to appear too greedy.

Jake signaled the waiter and gave his order. She gave hers, linking her fingers together and wondering what the hell was going to happen.

They were served drinks and then left alone at Jake’s request.

When his gaze landed on her, she tensed up. His blue eyes were so clear yet he seemed to see so much by his gaze alone. Nibbling her lip, she offered up a smile even though it was a struggle to.

“You were a virgin?” he asked.

Heat filled her cheeks. She nodded her head, looking down at her hands.

“What the hell were you doing fucking against a wall for your first time?”

Gasping, she glanced to her left then to her right. “Keep your voice down.”

“No one can hear us. I’m not raising my voice. Answer the question.”

“Look, I don’t want anything from you. It was a onetime bit of…fun.”

“You’re lying.”

She couldn’t deny it. Last night may have been fun for him while it wasn’t for her. Bella hated every second of the actual penetration. Biting her lip, she stared past his shoulder.

“You will keep your eyes on me,” he said.

“I don’t want anything from you. I’m not demanding crap from you. Why did you have to find me? What do you want?” she asked.

Jake stared at her without saying a word. The waiter put their food in front of them.

Picking up her fork she started to eat even though each movement was a chore.

“Last night, did you enjoy it?”

Bella opened her mouth ready to lie just to get him to leave her alone.

“Any lies come out of your mouth and I will fucking spank your ass.”

Gasping, she looked at him to see he wasn’t lying.

“You’re friends with Maya. You know what she is so I know you’re aware of what a dominant man is.”

Even without her friend being a submissive, Bella liked to read BDSM books. They got her juices flowing and really helped her to fantasize about what she wanted.

She kept quiet.

“I’m a Dom, Bella. I suggest you don’t test me otherwise we’re going to have problems.”

“What kind of problems?” she asked, unable to resist probing him.

“Your ass will look delightful in a nice shade of pink. Do you think we should test my theory?” His eyebrow rose and a pulse started in her groin.

Shaking her head, she circled some pasta and started eating. “No, I didn’t enjoy it.”

She bit her lip and all he wanted to do was take possession of her mouth.


“I’m a man, Bella. I don’t want to know the woman I’m with is fucking unhappy. You will date me.”

“Why ask me if you’re demanding it?” she asked, bristling.

Smiling, Jake took her hand, locking their fingers together. “I want to put you over my knee and spank your ass until it shines red. I’m not going to do that. However, you’re going to give me the proper chance you should have given me last night.”