He drove for another twenty minutes, pulling into an underground parking lot.

“Be warned. Don’t think to start any shit with me. The guard knows I’m a Dom and train stubborn, drama filled subs for a living. He sees you being a pain in the ass he’s going to assume you’re acting out, understood?”

Glancing toward the guard, she saw all hope of leaving him cease. Great! “Understood.”

The doors unlocked and she climbed out, going around to Jake’s side. He took hold of her hand. She refused to acknowledge the electricity his touch created.

When they were alone in the elevator, she tried to pull away.

“This will go much better for you if you stop fighting me.”

Sticking her tongue out at him was childish but necessary.

“If you were my little sub you’d be going over my knee the moment we entered my apartment.”

“It’s a good job we’re nothing to each other.”

Jake chuckled. “Keep thinking that, baby. We’re far more to each other than you even realize.”

Ignoring him, she waited for the torture to end. His scent filled the space and her body betrayed her by growing aroused.

All too soon they were out of the elevator and within the confines of his apartment.

“You live in the penthouse apartment?” she asked. He released her hand, throwing his keys on the counter by the door.


“It’s expensive.”

“I’m a wealthy man. A lot of women would consider me a catch.”

She shrugged. “I’m not a lot of women.”

“Doesn’t my wealth impress you?”

“It didn’t make you any better in bed.”

“We didn’t use a bed. I fucked you against a wall.”

Gritting her teeth, she wouldn’t say anything more to goad him. Jake, clearly, was used to getting the last word. Moving toward the array of windows overlooking the city, she kept her gaze on them.

He didn’t give her chance to build up her defenses as he stood right behind her.

“You’re not going to hide from me.”

Closing her eyes, she concentrated on her breathing. “I don’t know you.”

“We can get to know each other.”

His hands went to her arms, pulling her back against his body. “Stop!”

“No, I’m not going to stop. Your body wants me and I know if you let yourself, you’ll want me in here.” He touched her head.

Opening her eyes, she saw his reflection in the window.

Bella allowed him to tug her back into the sitting room and onto the sofa.

“I’ll get you a drink. Tea, coffee, water?” he asked.

“Tea will be fine or water.”

Locking her fingers together, she stared at her lap. She listened to him working in the kitchen. Her cell phone went off and she answered when Maya’s name flashed across the screen.

“Where are you?” Maya asked.

“Jake kidnapped me.”

“Seriously? Wow, Chris told me it was serious.”

“I can’t believe you let him know where I worked. How could you do that?”

“Look, he wanted to make it up to you. He didn’t have a clue it was your first time—”

“It’s private, Maya. Not every man has the right to know if they’re getting a virgin or not.” She pressed a palm to her face, wondering how she’d be able to look her friends in the face again.

“Stop, Bella. Give him a chance.”

“I can’t believe this. Why should I?” She glanced back behind her. Jake leaned against the wall, watching her. Turning back, she dropped her head into her hand.

“Chris is a lot of things but I trust him. I’ve got no reason to not believe him. You’ll be well taken care of in Jake’s arms.” Maya went on and on to list all of his good points.

“I don’t need to hear this.”

“Honey, you’ll never hear anything if you keep going on with your life the way you are.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Maya sighed. “You hide from everything.”

Jake put a cup on a coaster on the table in front of her. He took a seat beside her.

“I’m happy.”

“No, you’re not. You’re not even living. You work, read, visit your family, and the whole routine starts again. There’s nothing exciting or thrilling. Trust me, Bella. Give Jake a chance. He may surprise you.”

“I’m hanging up now. I thought you were my friend,” Bella said.

“I’d be a pretty bad friend if I didn’t tell you what I think—”

“I heard what Maya said. It’s time to start living, Bella. I’ll never ridicule you. I promise you I’ll give you everything your heart desires. Every fantasy is yours to take.”

She kept her answer to herself. He cursed at the wait.

“If you can’t give me pleasure then you’ll take me home and leave me alone.”

Not a chance.

“Yes.” Jake knew once he got her naked, he’d have her begging for his fingers, tongue, or cock. She’d know what true sex and passion is all about.