When they finished eating, she took his plate, washed the dishes and cleared away the mess before returning to him with a fresh cup of coffee.

Sitting in her seat, she waited for him to speak.

“From this moment forward unless we’re in the company of others I want you to call me, Sir or Master. Either one will do.” He took hold of her chin and tilted her head back. “At the beginning I will overlook any indiscretion but over time I will start to punish you.”

Her heat spiked at the thought of his palm on her naked ass.

“I see the thought of punishment excites you.”

“Yes, Sir.”


“Now, when we’re alone or in the club, and I ask you to present to me I expect you to be like this.” He released her chin and sat back. “Get on your knees.”

She sank to the floor.

“Open your knees wide. If you were naked I’d be able to see the jewel of your clit on display. Lean back, thrust your chest up showing me those beautiful tits.” He leaned forward pressing one palm to her stomach and the other to her back. “Good, now bow your head staring at the floor.”

She did what he asked, staring at his naked feet.

“Beautiful. The picture of pure submission.” Fingers teased strands of her hair behind her ear. “I can’t think of the words to describe how you look. Words are not good enough.”

Feeling light in her body, she took several deep breaths.

“How are you feeling, Jesse?” he asked.


“Good.” He tilted her head up with fingers underneath her chin. “You are beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

I’m in love with you.

“Get to your feet.”

She stood up, waiting for his next instruction.

“Are you ready to see my playroom?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“We will not be delving too deeply into punishment today. I’ll let you look and see what you think afterward.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Look at me,” he said.

Jesse stared into his eyes.

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes, Sir.” She spoke without any hesitation.

Chapter Six

Ryan stared down into Jesse’s eyes, feeling the lust start to stir deep in his gut. He ordered her to kneel on the floor once again and to present herself. The dress lay on her thighs hiding her pale flesh from him. He should just take her to his playroom to see how she responds but he didn’t want to stop seeing her in a submissive pose. She looked so sensual, so giving. His cock hardened wanting to get her to lay on the table with her legs open as he ravished her sweet pussy.

Keeping his gaze on her, he rubbed a finger over his lips and wondered what to do first. Should he get her naked, or explore his favorite room in the house? The decisions too hard to make but he knew she’d be more comfortable in his playroom with clothes on.

“You make me proud, Jesse. You look so beautiful presenting yourself to me.” Stroking her blonde hair he moved down to cup her chin, tilting her head back. “You may stand up now.”

She got to her feet without saying another word. Getting to his feet, he took her hand and led her through his kitchen to the far wall where one door stood shut. Leaving her for a moment, he grabbed the key from above the top cupboard where he kept it. When staff were around, he stored the key in his locked desk where no one got the chance to discover it.

“You may talk. I’m not a Dom into silence, Jesse. I want to hear you speak your mind.” He refused to risk her panicking because of some silence ban. Also, he loved hearing her speak. Her voice made him hard. The only kind of silence he actually wanted from her was when her mouth held his cock, sucking him.

“I’m nervous, Sir.”

Kissing her hand, he smiled at her. “Well done for remembering my name. No need to be nervous. You will talk to me throughout it and I’ll stop the moment you become afraid. Remember, I’m still Ryan and you’re still Jesse. The only thing different between us is I’m your Master and you’re my submissive.”

“Yes, I remember, Sir.”

“Good.” Putting the key in the lock, he turned, flicked the first light over the stairs so they saw their way down. “Come on.” He never once let go of her hand. Moving down the stairs, he made sure to take his time for her to follow him.

“May I ask you questions, Sir?”

“Yes, I trust you.”

Leading her toward the chair, he sat her down. Her breasts lay over the top of her dress with the clamps attached. Ryan would need to release the clamps soon. Not wasting any time he started to make up his playroom, not even trying to be quiet.

* * * *

The clamps on her nipples hurt yet they were the sweetest kind of torture. Jesse gripped the arms of the chair where she held on. Sounds echoed around the large room. She wondered what the room would look like when he was done. The pain of her nipples was driving her crazy. She couldn’t think at all through the exquisite pain.

She wished the blindfold didn’t cover up her sight of the room. Part of her had been scared about coming to the playroom. Jake’s room was fully kitted out with all of his equipment on display. His toys from the giant cross to what looked like gym equipment lay in the room, each designed for his pleasure.