I jump to my feet. “I’ll do it.”

Professor Lee turns to me and grins. “One of the Wood boys wants a turn with the new girl? Color me shocked.”

A few chuckles echo through the room. “My reputation precedes me.”

Professor Lee crosses her arms over her chest. “Anyone want to challenge him?”

I stare out at my classmates, waiting for someone to be foolish enough to test me. My inner demon roars at the thought of getting to tear someone apart. It has been a while since I’ve been in a fight. I could use the practice and the stress relief.

Nobody says a word.

After a few long seconds, Professor Lee takes a step back from the new girl and makes a sweeping gesture with her arm. “She’s all yours.”

A few moans spring up from my classmates. I know there are a few others in here who would love to test out this spell.

Grinning, I move in front of her. “What’s your name?”

She looks terrified for a second before she hardens her gaze into a look of defiance. “Harper.”

“Well, Harper,” I say. “How would you feel about spending the rest of the day getting to know me?”

She cocks an eyebrow. “Am I going to have a choice in this?”

“You learn quickly,” I say.

“Get it over with,” she says.

“Brave girl,” Professor Lee says. “Quit toying with her, Damon. Do the spell or I’ll pass it off.”

“I’ll do it,” someone calls from behind me.

“I got it,” I say as I lean closer to Harper. My lips are above her ear and we’re so close we’re almost touching. My inner demon is practically giddy at the thought of testing out a new spell on her. I breathe her in, the unmistakable honey scent of an angel fills my nostrils.Very interesting.

“Go on,” Harper says.

I whisper the spell in her ear and as soon as I say the last word, she shivers. The spell is all about control. Until the potion wears off, she’s all mine.

Her lips part and I can tell she wants to say something. “Remember, if you can’t say something nice…”

She glares at me. “You’re an asshole. And I took Latin in high school.”

I shrug.

“What are you going to make her do?” A few students crowd around us now.

“Come to my party tonight and find out,” I say.