“You want me to just leave you?” I ask.

“Yes, it’s the only way you’ll be safe.” He lowers my hand and then stands up, pulling me up. “Go.”

My heart feels like it’s breaking all over again, but at least I have a few answers now.

I don’t want to leave him, but between Corbin and Adrian, I have to believe I’m in serious danger. It’s even more important that I win that pass.

The only option is using what I know about Liam. My stomach twists and a rush of nausea rolls through me. I hate the idea of blackmailing him. It doesn’t feel right. But what choice do I have?

He’s a prince of hell, he doesn’t need the pass.

And if I stay here, I lose my freedom and will likely give power to a man who shouldn’t have any more power.

It doesn’t make me feel good about myself, but I guess in a place where students kill each other for a shot at the pass, blackmail isn’t the worst option.