Death Dreams

Ever been in the wrong place at the wrong time? It's something Remington Newsome learned the hard way. On a trip to New Orleans with friends, they visited a psychic. What could wrong? EVERYTHING! After passing out in Mystic Mary's living room, Remi awakes to Mary issuing an ominous threat - "Welcome to your gift, Remington". He thinks nothing of it until the dreams start. Scary dreams. Vividly, horrifying dreams. Dreams that appear to be coming true.

Ryder's goal in life is to keep his niece safe and happy. Sadly, that job is in direct conflict with something...or someone...he wants badly. One night. One mistake. Before knowing Remington was his niece's dear friend and roommate, he'd made the gorgeous young man his. Walking away from the best night of his life had been difficult but necessary...right up until the point that Remi needed him.
Both Remi and Ryder are unsure of what's going on with Remi's dreams, but they quickly realize it will take working together to save the lives of everyone involved. Can they do it or does Remi's Death Dreams become reality for one or both of them?

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