Lily shut her eyes tight and leant forward as he let his mouth drift down the exposed line of her spine and a faint moan parted her lips. He caught her back against him, the shirt he still wore falling open to bring the smooth skin of her back into contact with the hard muscularity of his hair-roughened chest. As she quivered he whispered, ‘Want me?’

‘Can’t help it…’ Lily admitted.

‘That’s how it should be.’ But how much did she want him? a little demon in Rauf’s conscious mind taunted. Enough to turn down Gilman had circumstances been different? If she was content to settle for sex and look for nothing more, wasn’t that his own fault?

‘Exactly as it should be.’ Rauf breathed in deep to continue with a roughened sexy edge to his drawl that made Lily’s toes curl. Unclipping her bra, he let it fall and his hands curved round to mould the creamy swell of her breasts. ‘You’re my wife.’

A long, sighing gasp broke from her as he toyed with her taut rose-tipped nipples. A little flame had already flickered into a slow burn low in her belly. She squeezed her eyes tight shut in shame because she couldn’t keep herself still, couldn’t prevent her hips from squirming back into connection with the bold thrust of his arousal, couldn’t think of anything but the pleasure to come.

He nipped at a tiny pulse point below her ear with his teeth and she jerked, already well on the way to meltdown. Not a sound did she make as he caught her up in his arms and tumbled her down on the bed.

‘Look at me,’ Rauf commanded.

Lily opened dazed eyes feeling as if she had ‘wanton’ stamped all over her. Her total inability to do anything but revel in his every caress still seemed vaguely indecent to her.

‘What are you thinking about?’

‘You…’ A wave of colour washed her fair complexion. ‘What you do to me.’

A brilliant smile flashed across his mouth and she rested back limp with incredible longing and love. He discarded his shirt. She watched his every move from below the screen of her lashes, breath catching in her throat at his sleek male beauty, heart thumping a little faster each time.

‘You didn’t use to think of me like that…’ Rauf said thickly.

‘I did…’ As he gave her a disbelieving look, Lily came up on one elbow, struggling to find the right words to explain. ‘It’s just when I tried to make the…dream real, I…I couldn’t…’

And why had that been? Because Gilman had had her loyalty and her love, Rauf reflected with vicious anger, swinging away with scorching golden eyes to toss his Rolex watch down on the cabinet.

‘But I can now,’ Lily muttered, noticing the hard set of his masculine profile, feeling the dangerous vibes emanating from his lean, powerful frame, trying to understand what she had said that had had that effect.

‘I’ll make every dream real,’ Rauf intoned as though she had thrown down a gauntlet.

‘You already do…’ Lily confided half under her breath, absorbed in the insidiously sexy way he stripped off his trousers, noting the way the light coming through the window glistened over the fine furrow of dark hair running down over his hard, flat stomach. As the boxer shorts came off her eyes widened and she blushed for herself. The tiny beat of need already pulsing at the very centre of her throbbed.

‘You make me so hot…’ Rauf confessed, coming down on the bed with all the easy grace of a prowling tiger, plundering her reddened lips and letting his tongue delve deep in a darting, erotic imitation of a more intimate penetration.

The meltdown point came back to Lily fast. She just looked at him and dizzy joy grabbed hold of her because, now that they were married, she felt that he was finally hers and that emotional high of loving heightened her every response. He stroked the sensitive pink tips of her breasts, employed his knowing mouth there, shaped her tender flesh, worked his expert path down over her slender, gasping body, discovering pulse points she had not known existed and lingering there with a quite devastating effect on her self-control.

‘I want this to be superlative,’ Rauf muttered fiercely when she was way beyond grasping words of more than two syllables with any degree of comprehension.

She tried to touch him, she was desperate to touch him, smooth worshipping hands over the sleek, tight skin of his muscles, discover the solid wall of his chest with her palms and let her own lips explore and taste him as he tasted her. But every time she got anywhere near to fulfilling that need he pinned her back flat to the bed and overwhelmed her with more sensation. She was panting for breath, half out of her mind with excitement, her hips writhing long before he deigned to seek out the damp, aching heat at the heart of her.

‘Rauf…’ she moaned.

‘Don’t be so impatient,’ he husked.

And somewhere around then, all sense of time and place left Lily. She didn’t know what was happening any more. The excitement would build and build and then he would let it fall again until she wanted to scream and almost did. It was like being tortured with pleasure and her body was driven from one excruciating high of frustration to the next.

‘Please…’ she gasped.

‘Please what…?’ Rauf teased in a suggestive growl, sizzling golden eyes intent on her, enjoying his power over her.

‘Don’t stop…please don’t stop,’ she practically sobbed, begging, helpl

ess, desperate for that unbearable need to be quenched.

He came over her and into her then, in one forceful movement and she almost passed out on the shock wave of incredible pleasure. Intense excitement took over and finally sent her flying over the edge into ecstasy and into an explosive shower of sensation that seemed to last for ever. In the aftermath, she felt drained, shell-shocked, still out of her own body, but she fought off the drowsy relaxation threatening to claim her.

Rauf rolled over and took her with him, arranging her over his hot, damp, sprawled length with a possessive intimacy that warmed her even when she was angry with him. As he closed both arms tightly round her and claimed another kiss, part of her wanted to just lie there and make appreciative noises, but another part of her wanted to kick him for his arrogant need to control her.