Obviously, she’d misread everything because he wasn’t here.

Getting to her feet, she was about to reach for a robe when Jared appeared, wearing an apron and nothing else, carrying a breakfast tray.

“Damn it, I tried to be quiet.”

She stared at him, a little dumbfounded. She didn’t think he’d make it.

“You’re here.”

“Yes, and I was trying to leave you to sleep so you’d regain your strength. I fucked up.”

She still couldn’t believe he was here. “Why are you here?”

“Wow. Is that any way to talk to the future father of your baby?”

This was about the baby? “Oh, right, yes, of course, you’re right.”

“I think we’re getting off on the wrong foot here.” He still held the breakfast tray and she noticed there were two plates. “Meredith, I want to have a baby with you, but last night wasn’t about boosting our chances. I wanted every single part. I couldn’t keep my hands off you, and to be honest, I’m thinking about foregoing breakfast and taking you right here and now.”

She couldn’t help but look down and yes, he was hardening. The apron had started to tent around his length. “You stayed.”

“I wanted to,” he said.

She tucked some hair behind her ear and smiled at him. Damn it, she wasn’t going to fall for him just because he’d shown her a small bit of attention. She wasn’t that desperate, at least not yet.

“Thank you,” she said.

“Meredith, I don’t know who did a number on you, but it makes me want to fucking hurt them. I can tell you there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having sex with you. Nothing wrong at all.” He placed the tray on her chair in the corner and came to the bed. Then he sat beside her, pushing some of her hair back. “You have no idea just how beautiful you are, do you?”

“I … I’m not good at this.”

“Well, neither am I, Meredith, but with you, I’m willing to give it a go.” He leaned in close and brushed his lips against hers.

Last night had been the best night of her life. Almost as good as the first day she opened up her haberdashery. The day she’d made a start to her own life, chasing her dreams.

At the sound of a growling stomach, she pulled away, but it wasn’t hers this time. Nope, the growling stomach was all Jared.

“I’m sorry, I guess I’m rather desperate for some food.” He kissed her. “But I want to feel you again.”

“I don’t want you to pass out on me. Let’s have breakfast.” She touched his cheek. At first, she hesitated, but Jared guided her.

“I don’t bite,” he said. “I want you to touch me.”

She stroked his cheek. It was smooth. “Did you shave?”

“Yeah, I did.” He kissed her again before grabbing the tray of food and carrying it back to the bed.

She took the plate and thanked him for the fork he handed to her. She dived in, eating what he’d cooked. This was so surreal.

“So, I was thinking tonight you could come to my place. What do you think?” he asked. “We need to make plans for where you’re going to live during your pregnancy.”

She paused in putting more food in her mouth. “Wait, what?”

“I want to be able to keep an eye on you during your pregnancy. I want to be completely involved. I’ll go to classes, the doctors, you name it, I want to be part of it.”

“Are you sure? That’s a lot of work.”

“So? Also, I’ll pay for everything.”

“Jared, I can pay.”

“I have no doubt, but I’m going to be the daddy, and seeing as I’m not going to have the stomach, sore breasts, or the horniness and hunger cravings, I’m going to contribute something.”

“You don’t like my apartment?”

“I love it. I love everything about it, but if you were to slip or fall or anything, and I couldn’t get to you, I’d never forgive myself. Moving in together is the best option.”

“You really think this is the best option?” she asked. “I thought we were agreeing to share a child so we didn’t have to get entangled in a sticky relationship mess?” For her, she wanted a child because waiting for Mr. Right wasn’t happening. Happily-ever-after wouldn’t happen to her.

“We are in this together, Meredith. We both want a baby, and I know we can work as partners.”

She wanted to believe him, but after last night, the thought of another woman capturing his attention shouldn’t bother her, but it did, in a big way.


Jared hadn’t been this excited to go home in a long time. At six, he’d arranged to pick up Meredith, grab some takeout, and then he was showing her his place. He knew she wasn’t totally sold on the idea of being with him during the pregnancy. With all the information he had on her, he wasn’t surprised about her nerves. He was going to prove he wasn’t like those other men. He was his own person, and he intended to enjoy her.