Bee pinched her cheeks harder (oh dear God, how could this unbelievably beautiful and incredibly exciting man be her husband?), and when she saw him start untying the drawstrings of his sweatpants, she had a feeling she might end up pinching herself to death.

And three…two…one…

A fully naked and visibly aroused Nicholas now stood in front of her, and Bee bit back a whimper. While last night had mostly been a sensual blur, with Bee too nervous and excited to fully take in the finer details of Nicholas’ nude form, today was a whole new ballgame, with sunlight streaming from the window illuminating every bare inch of his masculinity in golden clarity.

Rugged cowboy angel indeed, she thought dizzily.

Sleek and muscular all over, he seemed too sexy to be real, and when her gaze finally fell to his engorged manhood, Bee could only gulp, unable to believe something that long and thick could’ve fit inside of—

A tiny involuntary squeak slipped past her lips when Nicholas stepped inside the tub to join her.

“Take your shirt off.”

The huskily spoken command sent Bee’s senses reeling, and her fingers seemed to move on its own volition as she reached for the hem. In seconds, the shirt laid discarded next to his sweatpants, and she barely had time to register the hungry look in his green eyes before he was kneeling down in the water, and his mouth had landed right between her legs.


She made a clumsy grab for his shoulders, needing something to hold on to as her knees threatened to give out at the shattering feel of his lips nuzzling her folds.

Oh God.

His lips trailed up.


Tongue laving her clit—


Teeth nipping the tiny, quivering nub—

Ooooooooh Goooooooood.

And then he was sucking on it hard, and it was just too much. It took only five seconds, maybe even three; all she knew was that Nicholas eating her clit was like a bullet train ride to heaven.

“Nicholas.” She sobbed his name out as her orgasm sent her spiraling, and it just went on and on and on that she was barely aware of Nicholas using the handheld spray to clean her up before getting the tub filled.

A leisurely bath followed, with Nicholas settling her between his thighs before shampooing her hair and leaving her body wet for an altogether different reason with his soapy caresses.

And later, much, much later, with Nicholas lying against the back of the tub, while she rested against his chest, she heard him say casually, “I’ll have your things transferred to my room today.”

Water splashed as Tabitha turned in his arms, dark eyes curiously peering up at him as she asked, “Why did you have them sent elsewhere in the first place?”

Because I didn’t think I’d let my cock overrule my brain, and I’d end up taking you to bed and fulfilling the first condition of our marriage.

But out loud, all Nicholas said was, “I didn’t want you to think I was taking anything for granted.”

A dismayed expression crossed her face. “I should be the one worried about that,” she said glumly. “And I am, actually. Because no matter how I look at it, you’re the one who seem to be getting the shorter end of the stick with this marriage—”

“You really think so?” Nicholas asked gravely.

She nodded.

“Does this feel like I’m unsatisfied with our marriage?” Nicholas whispered.

His hips started pumping faster against her.

“Does it?”

She started seeing stars, and when his cock slammed back into her, deep enough that she felt he had reached all the way to her womb, she could only cry out, her pleasure reaching its zenith. Behind her, she dimly heard him growl, his orgasm following right after hers, and the feel of his seed filling her had Bee letting out another cry.

It was almost half past ten by the time they finally came out of his room, and Nicholas couldn’t stop smirking when he saw the way she was walking.