Stop that, Bee!

Their marriage had never been real, and so she had never any right to touch him.

“Well then, wife…” Nicholas saw her visibly start at how he had addressed her, and he asked mockingly, “Is something wrong?”

Bee could only shake her head silently.

“It seemed so long ago,” Nicholas murmured, “when you would’ve replied differently every time I called you that. You’d be blushing and smiling at me, and you’d address me with that one word you’re so inordinately fond of. Husband, wasn’t it?”

A stricken look crossed her face. “Why are you doing this?” Her voice shook, pain chipping away at her heart with every memory his words were forcing her to remember. “I know I’ve made a fool of myself—”

“Is that why you decided to turn the tables,” he asked flatly, “and make a fool of me this time?”

Bee paled, her hurt all but forgotten at the realization that Nicholas, unlike her, knew what everyone had been saying about her and Drake. “I’m s-sorry,” she stammered. “I didn’t know people were talking about us that way.”

Nicholas’ jaw clenched. She was sorry that people had talked…but she wasn’t sorry about falling in love with another man?

“I would never want to shame you.”

No. She wouldn’t. She wasn’t that type of girl, and maybe…maybe it was also time to accept that he wasn’t the type of guy who deserved her.

Nicholas suddenly felt weary. “Why did you want to talk to me, Tabitha?”

She swallowed hard. “I just thought…it was time to go.”

“There are only two more days left.”

Her throat tight with sobs that were suddenly struggling to come out, she could only speak in a stilted voice. “I know.”

“Just two more days,” he repeated, and the bleakness in his voice made Bee bite her lip hard. But even so, she could only stay behind the protective walls of her heart.

“Is my company truly that unbearable to you?” Nicholas asked dully.

Her heart hurt. God. If only he knew. But all she could do was say the same thing over and over again. “I’m sorry.”

He gazed at her, and he couldn’t remember feeling this sick, this fucking weak. The moment she left him, the moment she became someone else’s, his life would never be the same again—

And before he knew it, he was on his knees, and she was crying. He took her hands in his, and she cried harder.

“I love you, Tabitha.”

But his wife only cried, her dark eyes telling him she didn’t believe a word he was saying, and terror and desperation grew inside of him. “Tell me.” His voice was raw with emotion. “Tell me what to do so you’ll believe me—”

“I just can’t—”

“At least give me a fucking clue—”

“I’m so sorry—”

“I don’t need your apologies,” he said hoarsely. “I need you to tell me how to fix this. Didn’t you tell me I’m the world’s sexiest husband? Am I not that to you anymore? Does Morrison have more abs than I do? Is that fucking it—”

“Nicholas, please!” It hurt to hear him say such things. “It’s not like that—”

“But it looks exactly like that,” he said bitterly, “as far as the rest of the world’s concerned.”

“Nicholas, no.” Pain was eating her alive at seeing him so broken, and it wasn’t right. It just wasn’t right, and it hurt. “It’s not like that at all—”

“Then stay. Please fucking stay. I’m begging you. Please stay.”


“I love you, Tabitha—”

I’m begging you.

Please stay.

Her heart threatened to shatter.

I love you, Tabitha.

Nicholas heard the footsteps first, but he couldn’t make himself look up, couldn’t risk looking up only to find out it was not her. Because if that happened—