“Nik…” Her voice was faint. “Itsn’t it too soon—ah!” He had pulled out to flip her over, and as soon as she was on her hands and knees, she felt his cock sliding back into her.

Oh God.

The billionaire carried her to the shower after that and made love to her for the third time under the deliciously hot blast of water. It should’ve ended there, but when she had bent over the sink to brush her teeth and unthinkingly presented him her bottom, well…

Schuyler sensed Ioniko moving to stand behind her, and her incredulous gaze immediately flew up to meet his through the vanity mirror. “Nik…” Her voice was filled with alarm when she saw the look of intent on his handsome face. “No—”

But it was too late once again, and when he finally let her go, Schuyler’s knees literally buckled, her body having turned into jelly from too much sex.

“My apologies, Schuyler mou.” Despite the solemnity of his words, the purr of blatant satisfaction in his voice was also unmistakable, and she could only make a face even as she let him sweep her up in his arms.

“We both know you’re not really sorry.”

“True.” The grin he flashed at her was decidedly unrepentant, and she couldn’t stop her heart from somersaulting at such a wickedly sexy sight.

“Sleepy?” he asked.

She hesitated. “Are you sleepy?”


A smile of relief formed over her lips. “Me neither.”

“But you wouldn’t have admitted it,” he chided, “if I had said I was.”

“Well, you just came back from Athens and…”

“And nothing,” Ioniko said firmly. “You are my woman, and it is a matter of honor that I am always able to put your needs first.”


“So no more self-sacrifices, no matter how small, ne?” This earned him a dutiful nod, and he smirked. “You will not say ne back?”

“I don’t think I can risk it,” she admitted grudgingly. “Every time I say anything in Greek, you do…”


Heat burned in her cheeks. “Nik!”

He laughed. “But you are not mistaken,” he acknowledged. “I indeed can’t help but do you every time you I hear you speak my language.” He noticed the way her gaze turned uncertain as he spoke and asked, “What is it?”

She bit her lip then asked slowly, “Is it just me?” Her voice was small. “Or does it turn you on every time you hear an attractive woman speak Greek?”

The question caught him off guard as it was something he had never thought to consider. But now that she had brought it up…

Schuyler unconsciously held her breath when she saw the way his gaze narrowed at her face.

And then he said simply, “It’s just you.”

It was the faintest of whispers, like words escaping a dream, but even so. They were more than enough for Ioniko to suddenly feel like someone had thrown a noose around his neck.

Once I’m ready to tell you the words, then you can say it back.

Ioniko knew it was just his imagination, but it was as if his breathing was slowly becoming restricted as the invisible noose around his neck started tightening like the worst kind of omen Someone or something…he wasn’t exactly sure which it was, but he suddenly knew that something could happen to make him lose her for good, and the thought had Ioniko so immensely agitated that he failed to realize it was already happening.

For Schyler was now awake in the billionaire’s arms, and her eyes were haunted by the pain of his silence.

Boy meets girl. Boy wants girl. Girl wants boy. Boy asks girl to marry him. Girl says yes. Boy and girl live happy ever after. And for a time, it did seem things would head to that direction.