It was just pride, just pride, she told herself feverishly, because she had changed the rules of the game he had been playing with her.

Just hurt pride, because now she was rejecting him, when it was supposed to be him eventually losing interest and kicking her out of his life.

Just hurt pride, she desperately screamed at herself as she watched Thornton stare at her with lifeless eyes.

“You love him.”

Pain tore at him, but still she managed to choke out, “Yes.”

“But I love you.”

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

“Won’t you choose me?”

She wrapped her arms around herself. “I can’t.”

“I see.”

She watched him swing away rather clumsily.

She watched him walk away.

I won.

I saved my pride.

But the knowledge didn’t make the tears stop or make her feel any less hurt or empty.

Chapter Twenty

“You look amazing.” It was a lie, of course. And while Frankie rarely lied as a rule, right this moment she didn’t think she had a choice.

“Really?” Blake worked hard not to sound too desperate and hopeful.

“Really.” Another lie, but Frankie was genuinely worried the slightest insult would send her friend reeling into a mental breakdown.

“I didn’t really do anything special, though.”

“Must be the air then.” And apparently, what everyone said was true. A single lie was all it took, and you’d never stop lying.

But still, Frankie didn’t regret it. At least now, Blake was more herself, chatting nonstop about her day as they walked the last ten-minute leg to Redwood Cafe, where the movie crew was celebrating the last day of shooting.

Although it was an invitation-only party, Elizabeth had added Blake and Freddie’s name to the list. Host perks, the other woman had explained cheerfully when Blake worried about gatecrashing a Hollywood party. They’re having the party at the cafe, which means whatever Arden and I say goes.

Frankie caught sight of the pensive look on her friend’s face. “Are you thinking of…” Blake shot her a glowering look of warning and she hastily corrected herself. “—the celebrities? That we’re, um, going to see at the party?”

Blake made a face. “That’s lame, even for you.”

“I’m not used to lying, okay?” Or if she were honest, it was really a hit-or-miss thing with her.

“And no, I wasn’t thinking what you’re thinking.”


“Swear to God.”

Frankie had no choice to believe her friend with that. “Then what were you thinking about?”

“Rich people.”

Frankie might not have been in favor of their relationship at the start, but she wasn’t blind either. She had seen the way Blake blossomed under his attention and how much Thornton had loosened up because of her friend. The two of them being together might not have made sense on paper, but they had felt right.So right that Frankie knew things just couldn’t stop working out between them.

It had to be something else.


“There’s someone else, isn’t there? A third party? Right?”

The words, blurted out just as Frankie and Blake entered the cafe, fell in a chasm of awkward silence. Because apparently, they had arrived a lot earlier, and the only ones inside were Elizabeth, Arden, and the Blackwood brothers.