“Which makes it thirteen,” Etienne said contemplatively. “Vampires are into black magic now?”

“At this point, we wouldn’t put anything past them.” Luka’s tone was grim. “We’ve also reason to believe vampires have successfully infiltrated most – if not all – races.”

“The underworld’s also showing signs of restlessness,” Riyu said quietly. “Something’s clearly afoot.”

Etienne nodded. “I’ll let the old bloods know.” And now, it was his turn to disclose information. “Here are the latest results of our experiment.” He tapped Send on his phone to have the necessary files transferred through a secure network managed by his own team. A moment later, and the other Caros’ phones started buzzing, and Etienne leaned back, knowing the younger men would want to skim the files right away.

Riyu was in a state of disbelief when he realized what the experiment’s results were suggesting. “Sangferia? Virgin’s blood? That’s the secret weapon of our race?”

“Yes.” And as soon as Etienne answered, he saw both Riyu and Stefan immediately turn to Luka, whose face had turned stoic. “Am I missing something?” Etienne had to ask.

“He is the only one among of us who’s in a permanent relationship,” Stefan murmured, “and his partner is – was – a virgin.”


“Did you drink it then?” Riyu asked bluntly.

“Yes.” Luka’s tone was stiff. “And initially, I had thought the added strength was because of what I am…”

Half-vampire, Etienne thought.

“But with these experiments, it’s possible Caylie also happens to be chemically compatible, and that’s why my strength has exponentially increased.”

“Guess that makes it official,” Stefan drawled. “If we want what’s best for our race, we need to keep fucking virgins.”

Chapter Nine

“The library, Ms. de Vries.” Etienne’s grey-haired butler opened the double doors with flourish.

“Um.” She might not be living in Etienne’s over-the-top two-floor apartment like Anderson did, but she had been to his place enough times to know her way around it.


“You do remember I work for Mr. Hirsche, too?”

But Anderson only continued looking expectantly at her, and it took her a moment to understand that he meant for her to walk inside first.

Right. She shot the butler a scowl. “You know you’re being ridiculous about this, don’t you?”

Anderson kept looking at her.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake…fine.” She marched past the butler. “Happy now?”

“As a clam, miss.”

Spencer scowled. Like boss, like butler. But she forgot her irritation soon enough when Anderson led her past the library’s ceiling-high shelves and straight into a…secret room behind an alcove.


“You are part of the master’s family now,” Anderson said simply.

Just like the rest of Etienne’s apartment, the secret room was regal and masculine, with leather couches, a massive stone table in the center, and mahogany shelves set against old brick walls. A sconce hung on every corner column, and twenty feet above them was a vast, antique wagon-wheeled chandelier.

“A bat cave for nerds?”

“I shall let the master know—”

“Sheesh, Anderson, you know I was just kidding.” She then pointed to the pile of heavy-looking tomes on the desk, asking, “Anyway, are those the books Mr. H left for me?”

“Yes, miss.”

Spencer made a face. “Can you please stop calling me that?”

“Of course. Would you prefer, being that our master is also a prince—”

“You never said a thing.”

“It would’ve made things pointlessly awkward at that time, but now that things have changed for the better…I sincerely believe you and the master complement each other very well, miss.”

“I wish I could say the same,” she mumbled, “but so many things have suddenly changed, and I don’t even know what I should care about first.”

“You learned about the master’s true nature at the expense of nearly losing your life in a vampire attack,” Anderson gently pointed out. “It’s entirely understandable that you’re still shaken and traumatized—”

“But that’s the thing, Anderson. It would make more sense if I cared more about that, but instead all I’m worried about is whether he truly cares for me.”