Page 43 of Acheron's Woman

“As you should be,” Wickham murmured, “considering what everyone’s been talking about…”

While Acheron had been cooped up inside his office, rumors of Pippilotta Jones’ presently unfolding romance had also made its way to the 37th floor. The first to get wind of it were the ladies working at reception, and after them were the secretaries, who of course shared the interesting bit of news with the executives they reported to.

Wickham had gone to Acheron’s office to inform the younger man of this, only to be sidetracked when he learned of the press’ sudden and intense interest in Amy.

“She’s been asking for you, by the way,” Wickham said gruffly.

Acheron’s face turned inscrutable. “I expected as much.”

“She knows you’re avoiding her.”

“I’ll speak to her soon,” Acheron said finally. “But until then…”

Wickham nodded in understanding at the silent command. He would keep Amelia off the boss’ back while making sure to keep the press away from Amelia as well.

“How is she, by the way?”

“Going cold turkey – especially when it’s being forced on you – is never easy.” He saw pain flicker in Acheron’s eyes, and Wickham frowned. “Stop blaming yourself. She made her own choices, and now she’s paying the price for them.” While Wickham still thought of Amelia as a dear old friend, he wasn’t blind to the woman’s faults like Acheron was. She might have helped save their lives, but an angel she was absolutely not.

Seeing the billionaire still looking grim, Wickham decided it was time to spice things up a little. “There’s been a rumor going around about Ms. Jones,” he drawled. The effect was instantaneous, with Acheron bristling. Good. That was much healthier than having the boy mope about because of old flames.

Wickham handed his phone to the CEO. “It’s a screenshot of one of your employees’ chat groups. See for yourself.”

Several seconds passed, and then Acheron started cursing up a storm. Wickham burst into laughter.

“What the fuck?”

The whole company thought Pippi was in love with one of those idiots?

The billionaire’s first instinct was to have Charlie issue a company-wide memorandum.

To: All male employees of Simonides Incorporated

Re: Pippilotta Jones

Subject above is property of the CEO.

So fuck off.

If Acheron weren’t so damn sure such a letter would also cause Pippi to break up with him, he would already have Charlie print it for his signature.

Wickham’s amusement grew at the billionaire’s visible frustration. Good for you, Ms. Jones. Keep this one on his toes so he wouldn’t have any time left for the other girl.

Acheron waited until the older man had left his office before taking his phone out to send Pippi a message.

Acheron: Do you have time to meet for lunch, mikrí mou?

Pippi: No.

Acheron’s husky voice as he woke her, the toe-curling kiss that followed right after, and even the way his strong arms clasped her body as he rolled Pippi on her back…

It had only been four days since she had started sleeping in Acheron’s bed, but everything was so devastatingly familiar now. Four days, Pippi thought drowsily just before succumbing to the billionaire’s passion, and yet so much of her life – so much of herself even – had changed.

As the movement of Acheron’s lips started moving with unconcealed urgency, the thought of pretending she had the ability to resist him didn’t even cross her mind. His tongue entering her mouth was all it took these days for her body to respond, and the moment his hands roamed over her, the possessive dominance of his touch made her flesh all too submitting, her breasts swelling to fit his palms and her nipples puckering for his kiss.

Every night, he would teach her to make love, and she would listen and learn, over and over, the master educating his eager pupil until all inhibitions had been shed and her own hands exulted in their right to touch him.

Acheron had pretty much made sure of that, with the way he held nothing back every time Pippi mustered the courage to pleasure him. The look on his face, the sound of his groans, the feel of his big, hard body jerking at a mere brush of her fingers – all of it went to her head until there was no space left for doubts or fears.