Page 61 of Acheron's Woman

I’ll be honest – I once thought it wouldn’t matter who my successor would be. I’d hate her all the same because, obviously, I’d rather have Acheron for myself. But when I met dear Pippi – let’s just say I’m not the type to fight a losing battle. And I don’t mean it’s because I’m afraid to compete with her. I’m saying it’s no good since Acheron’s only got eyes for her.

Wickham and her whole family were also interviewed. Everyone was in it, even her neighbors, her old boss Mr. Collins and near the very end of the movie – there was Amelia, too.

Acheron told me that you think he loves me more because the only risks he’s taken were for my sake. I guess it’s true, if you’re thinking about how he’s risked his life and livelihood for me. He’s even asked me countless times to run away with him, start a new life with him – but you know one thing he’s never asked?

He’s never begged me to love him.

And yet with you…

The screen suddenly went black, and Pippi started in her seat.

Was that it?

A moment later, Acheron showed up. He was alone in his living room, and he was looking directly into the camera.

“I don’t mind begging over and over again. Because otherwise, it would mean I’ve lost you for good, and that’s the one risk in this life I could never afford to lose. I love you, Pippi. Always and forever.”

Gareth glanced at his secretary, saying, “In case it’s escaped your notice, this movie’s actually playing live on all of the company’s social media platforms as well.” He saw Pippi turn green at the words and suppressed a smile, thinking that a shy thing like Ms. Jones indeed had her work cut out for her once she became the billionaire’s wife.

Pippi glanced at the TV and saw the camera following Acheron as he walked towards the front door.


She rose to her feet, saying awkwardly, “Um…can I…um…?”

“Do I translate that to a request for taking the rest of the day off?”

Pippi smiled sheepishly. “Yes, sir.”

Ten minutes later, and she was inside the elevator and well on her way up to see Acheron. A part of her was still terrified beyond belief, but the bigger part of her wanted to jump for joy. She would take on all the risks in the world as long as it meant they would be together.

The elevator doors slid open, and Acheron was already there.


For several moments all she could do was stare —

“Are you just going to stand there like an idiot?”

The familiar words made her laugh even as her eyes stung. With her heart on her sleeve, she gazed up at him, a smile wobbling to her lips as she murmured, “I’m sorry for the unseemly reaction, Mr. Simonides.”

The words were more than he had allowed himself to hope, and hearing them made Acheron drew his breath sharply. If she had wanted to, she could have made him bleed first, and she would have had every right to do so.

But she hadn’t.

Because she loved him.

Even after having a taste of what kind of hardships she’d face just for choosing to be with him – she loved him still.

She loved him.

Acheron slowly went down on one knee. “Take this one last risk with me, and I promise to dedicate the rest of my life to bringing you happiness. Will you marry me, Pippilotta Jones?”

He comes forward. Take this one last risk with me, and i promise I’ll dedicate the rest of my life to making you happy. He goes down on one knee. Will you marry me, Pippilotta Jones?


It was a charmingly simple wedding, with only the closest friends of the bride and groom in attendance – along with almost every family making up the local population. Damen Leventis stood as Acheron’s best man and his daughter Nala made the loveliest flower girl as she walked down the aisle and tossed out rose petals from her tiny basket.

The luncheon that followed was decidedly rustic, with picnic tables spread out by the beach and the food consisting of homemade dishes instead of catered gourmet treats. It was not how most people would imagine a billionaire’s wedding to be, but for Acheron and Pippi it was perfect.

And besides, getting married was wonderful and all, but what they were really looking forward to was what happened afterwards.

“I’m so damn hungry for you, Mrs. Simonides.”

“So am I.” Her smile was an enthralling mixture of shyness and mischief, something that only Pippi could do, and Theo, how it turned him on.

“I hope I can fucking last,” Acheron muttered even as he spun his bride to her back and started on the long row of buttons of her wedding dress. While Acheron was proud of his ability to stick to his word and keep his hands off her until the day of the wedding, it had left him rather ravenous, and his fingers actually shook when they accidentally grazed the satiny texture of her naked back.