



None of them made sense.

Petal opened her eyes.

Her mother, father, and Marco were standing over her.

“What is it? What happened?”

“The doctor is on the way.” She turned her head to see her brother coming out of the living room.

Marco wrapped an arm around her waist, helping her to her feet. “What is going on?” she asked.

“You fainted,” her mother said.

She looked toward Marco. The worry in his eyes was clear.

“I’m taking you to lie down.”

“No, no, I should be fine.”

“I’m not asking you.” In front of her parents and siblings, Marco picked her up in his arms and began to carry her through to the bedroom.

“You really don’t need to do this. I think you’re overreacting just a little bit.”

“I’m not. A woman doesn’t just faint for no reason. You’ve not had a fall.”

“I’ve been feeling a little sick.”

“Sickness doesn’t lead to fainting. It leads to diarrhea from bad food or a stomach bug.”

“That’s a colorful description,” she said.

He placed her down on the bed, and she sat up. He pushed her back down again. She was no match for his strength.

“Marco, come on. I can book an appointment with the doctor.”

“One I trust is already coming here.”

“So you trust someone now?” she asked, wanting to change the subject and teasing him.

“Don’t, Petal. Not right now.”

“What’s wrong? I’m only kidding.”

“I’m fine.”

“Fine people don’t just faint for no reason. You’re getting checked over.”

“Marco, please.”

“No!” He leaned in close. “Don’t you see, I can’t have anything happening to you.”

“Nothing is going to happen to me.”

“I couldn’t stand for it. I love you too much. There’s no way I could ever—”

“You love me?” she asked, interrupting him.

There was no way she had heard that right. He said he loved her.

“Of course I love you. Could you have any doubt?”

“You never said anything.”

“I’m … I’m a fucking fool when it comes to you, Pet. Such a damn fool. I love you more than anything. Why do you think I’d take you? I wanted to have you for so long, but I found every single excuse I could find not to have you.”

She couldn’t control her tears. “I can’t believe you love me. I’ve hoped and prayed that you did.”

“You wanted me to love you?”

Stroking her hair back from her cheek, he felt like he’d aged twenty years during her labor.

She’d been in so much pain. His hands had cramps from her holding them as she pushed down, trying to get their little girl out.

“She is so perfect,” Petal said.

The love he had for this woman and his little girl scared him. Ever since the ultrasound had revealed it was a girl, he’d been making sure there was no risk to his family. Petal made it a lot easier for him as she didn’t mind staying by his side.

Kissing the top of his little girl’s head, he rested his face against her neck. “You scared the shit out of me,” he said.