Titania settled comfortably on her throne, looking down at us smugly. Keirran was breathing hard, fists clenched, the air around him turning cold. The Summer Queen noticed his reaction and smirked. “I’m afraid your efforts have been all for naught, Prince. Though I do appreciate you getting rid of the Frozen Wood for me. I only hope Mab and the Iron Queen are more forgiving than I.”

“Keirran,” I warned in a low voice. “Don’t lose it.”

He lost it.

An explosion of ice, wind and leaves erupted around Keirran, rattling branches and causing everyone to flinch back. The Iron Prince stood with his head bowed, fists clenched at his sides, while magic swirled and snapped around him, whipping at his hair and clothes. I stumbled away as ice spread out from where he stood and iron roots began emerging from the ground like snakes, rising into the air.

“Keirran, don’t!” I called, but my voice was lost in the gale. Keirran raised his head, his eyes glowing blue-white, his face fully transformed into the cold stranger I hated.

Titania was on her feet instantly, a cruel, eager smile stretching her lips, as Summer magic rose around her, as well. The rest of the nobles fell back, abandoning the glade, until it was only Kenzie and myself, watching the Iron Prince and the Queen of the Summer Court get ready to duke it out.

“Come, then, Iron Prince,” Titania said, raising her hand, and lightning flickered overhead, slashing the sky. “I knew it was only a matter of time before you turned on all of Faery, and your betrayal will not go unpunished. I have been waiting to do this for years.”

Keirran thrust out a hand, and the iron roots surged forward, stabbing at the Summer Queen. I tensed, but Titania made a casual gesture, and the ground before her surged forth with plants and vegetation, a virtual wall of vines and roots that swallowed the iron coils and dragged them down again.

“Your horrid Iron glamour has no power here,” Titania said calmly. “This is the Summer Court, and within Arcadia’s borders, the land bows to me!”

She snapped her fingers, and another tangle of roots surged from the earth, thorny and sharp, wrapping around Keirran. Kenzie gasped as the prince vanished into the crushing branches, but there was a burst of cold, and the roots turned to ice. They shattered, breaking apart like china, and Keirran stepped out unharmed.

Snarling, he sent a flurry of ice spears at the Summer Queen, who laughed and gestured, melting them to nothing. She responded by raising her hand, and a lightning bolt seared across the glade, right for Keirran, who raised his sword just in time. The white-hot beam struck the blade, sending him back a few steps, but he recovered quickly and lashed out again. A screaming gale of ice rushed toward the queen, who raised her arms, and her own whirlwind spun into existence around her, dispersing the wind and sending frozen shards ripping through the trees.

I staggered back, shielding my face as ice pelted my arms, tearing through my shirt. This was crazy. I had to do something before Keirran and Titania tore the court—and everything in it—to pieces. Glancing at the queen, my blood ran cold. She was smiling, her lips twisted into an amused, eager smirk as the wind shrieked around her. She was just playing with Keirran, with all of us. Dammit, I had to get him out of here before she got bored and turned the whole forest against us.

“Keirran!” I lunged forward, grabbing his arm. He spun on me furiously, eyes blazing. Wind and ice shards whirled around us, shredding my clothes and making his cloak snap furiously. “Keirran, enough! This is insane! We have to get out of—”

He threw me backward. I stumbled, but Kenzie darted past me, racing toward Keirran and the gale swirling around him. Titania raised her arm toward the prince, just as Kenzie lunged at Keirran, stepping in front of him and grabbing his shirt.

“Keirran, stop—”

Titania released a bolt of lightning, and in the space of a blink the deadly chain sizzled across the glade, turning everything white for a split second, and slammed into Kenzie’s back. My heart stopped as she arched back with a cry, then collapsed against Keirran.


I couldn’t think. I didn’t even see Titania anymore. I lunged across the clearing and threw myself at Kenzie and the prince. Keirran was gently lowering her limp body to the grass, his face white, as Razor screeched and bounced around in utter terror.

“Oh, God,” I heard Keirran whisper as I reached them. “What have I done?”

“Get away from her!” Shoving him away, I knelt and gathered Kenzie to me, cradling her gently. Her head lolled to my chest, and my hands shook as I stroked her face. “Kenzie, wake up,” I whispered, feeling my heart lodge somewhere in my throat. “Dammit, don’t do this to me. Open your eyes.”

She didn’t move, and I forced down my panic, trying to think. My trembling fingers touched the skin below her jaw, searching for a pulse, a beat of life. My heart eased slightly. It was there—rapid and frantic, but alive.

“Ethan,” Keirran whispered, but Titania’s voice rang across the glade, ruthless and unmerciful.

“We are not finished, Iron Prince!” The Seelie monarch still stood in a whirlwind of Summer magic, her hair whipping about and her eyes, scary and cold. “If you dare attack me in my own court, you and your friends will pay the consequences. Turn and face me!”

Keirran looked back at the Summer Queen, but all the fight had gone out of him. The cold stranger had disappeared; the Iron Prince looked pale and grief-stricken now, beaten. But Titania smiled, gathering her magic for another assault; she wasn’t going to let him go.

However, as she raised her arm, a flock of screaming ravens suddenly descended from nowhere, flapping around her. At the same time, Puck appeared beside me, dragging me upright with Kenzie still in my arms.

“You know, I thought it was obvious that there are certain things you just don’t do!” he shouted, glaring at Keirran. “Things that are too ludicrous for even me to think of! Like, oh, I don’t know, picking a fight with the freaking Queen of the Seelie Court! What the hell are you thinking, princeling?”

The cloud of ravens around Titania exploded in a burst of fire and feathers. Puck grimaced and pushed me toward the exit as the Summer Queen’s furious gaze found us again.

“Go!” he ordered, giving me a shove. “We have to get out of Arcadia before things get really hairy.”

“You will not help them escape, Robin Goodfellow!” Titania called, raising both her arms. Power rippled out from the Summer Queen, causing the very ground to shudder and churn like ocean waves. “I will send all of Arcadia after you if I must! The Iron Prince is mine!”

Keirran stood behind me, casting a dark shadow over the girl’s slack face. “How is she?” he whispered, his voice subdued. “Will she be all right?”

My vision went red. Lunging to my feet, I spun and drove my fist into Keirran’s jaw, knocking him back. He staggered, and I went for him again, yanking him upright and slamming my fist into his stomach, doubling him over with a gasp.

Ramming him into a tree, I hauled back and hit him several times, barely aware of what I was striking. Keirran raised his arms to shield his head, but didn’t fight back, which pissed me off even more. I pounded at his face, slamming him several times into the tree trunk. Razor screeched, landing on my shoulder and chomping my ear with sharp little fangs. With a curse, I slapped the gremlin away and slugged Keirran one more time, this time knocking him off his feet. He landed on his knees in the dirt, and I fought back the urge to kick him, repeatedly. But hitting someone while they were down was going a bit far, even now.

“Damn you!” I snarled as Keirran slowly regained his feet and slumped against the trunk. Blood streamed from his nose and mouth, spattering the front of his shirt, and the prince didn’t look at me, staring at the ground between us. “That’s it, Keirran! No more help, no more bargains, no more agreeing to kill ancient spirits! We’re done! I don’t know you, you don’t know me and you sure as hell don’t know Kenzie. I don’t care what you do now, but you are a f**king train wreck. And I’m done watching everything around you go up in flames, do you hear me?”

Keirran wiped blood from his mouth and nodded silently. He looked tired, defeated, but I refused to feel sorry for him. Not when Mackenzie lay motionless several feet away, struck down by Titania for trying to stop him.