I suddenly realized the irony: here I was, wishing I could give someone back their magic, to return them to the world of Faery, when a few days ago I didn’t want anything to do with the fey.

When did I change so much?

Kenzie sighed again, gazing out over the pond. The moonlight gleamed off her hair, outlining her slender body, casting a hazy light around her. And I knew. I knew exactly when I had changed.

It started the day I met you.

“It sure has been a crazy week,” she murmured, resting her chin on the back of her hands. “Getting kidnapped, being chased around the Nevernever, faeries and Forgotten and talking cats. Things will seem very dull when we go home.” She groaned, hiding her face in her arms. “God, we are going to be in sooooooo much trouble when we get back.”

I stepped behind her, putting my hands on her waist. “Yeah,” I agreed, making her groan again. “So let’s not think about that right now.” There would be plenty of time to worry about the trouble we were in, the Forgotten, the Lady, Kenzie’s disease and Keirran’s promise. Right now, I didn’t want to think about them. The only thing on my mind was a promise of my own.

I wrapped my arms around Kenzie’s waist and brought my lips close to her ear. “Remember what I promised you?” I murmured. “Down in the cave?”

She froze for a second, then turned slowly, her eyes wide and luminous in the moonlight. Smiling, I drew her close, slipping one arm around her waist, the other sliding up to her neck. I lowered my head as her eyes fluttered shut. And on that balcony under the stars, in front of everyone who might be watching, I kissed her.

And for the first time, I wasn’t afraid.

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