She stares at me, her eyes still wide. “And so you made my dream come true? You’re responsible for the death of a million roses now, but oh my god. It’s so beautiful.”

I stare at her, trying to ignore the awe in her eyes. “I came to see if you wanted to hang out for a while. For your birthday. I didn’t know you’d still be tied up.”

I glance at Brand and back at Jacey. She’s shaking her head. “Brand just followed me home. He was afraid I’d be upset over Gabe leaving. He keeps forgetting that I’m a big girl now.” She laughs, and Brand looks pained.

I know that he’s actually very aware that she’s a big girl now, but I don’t say that.

Instead, I quickly try to think of something that I can do with Jacey, somewhere to invite her that would seem like a date. I want to drive home to Brand that Jacey isn’t his.

I smile as I get an idea. “I thought I’d take my car out to the track to blow off some steam. Would you like to come?”

Jacey looks intrigued. “To a race track? Sure, that might be fun. I’ll try anything once. But only if I can drive too.”

I roll my eyes. “As if you could handle it.” I’m pretending that Brand isn’t even here, but Jacey turns around to kiss him on the cheek again.

“Thank you again, big bro,” she tells him. I swear to god I can see him flinch at that. I fight back a smirk. “I’ll talk to you later.” She turns back to me. “I’ve just got to run to the restroom and then I’ll be ready.”

She darts into the house, leaving me with Brand. He stares at me, his gaze sharp and pointed and I sigh.

I knew this was going to happen at some point, and it might as well be now. I turn to him.

“Do you have a problem with me?” I ask him. I might as well just get it out there. Brand stares back at me, and Jesus, the guy is enormous. I don’t give a shit though. I’m not intimidated by anyone.

“Why do you ask?” Brand asks, his lip twitching in amusement. I don’t find anything funny.

“Because I can tell that you do,” I say calmly. “I can’t figure out why, since Jacey told me that you guys are just friends, that you’re a big brother to her.”

I hit a nerve there, but I meant to. Something passes over his face, but he doesn’t acknowledge it.

“I’ve known her for a long time,” he says instead. “And I watch her back. Keep that in mind, friend.”

“We’re not friends,” I point out, like the a**hole that I am. “We only just met.”

Brand nods slowly. “True. But we’re not enemies either. Yet. I’d like to keep it that way. How about you?”

There’s not a threat in his voice, more like a promise. If I f**k with Jacey, I’ll be his enemy. I feel fairly confident that that isn’t a good thing to be.

“Noted.” I nod. “Let’s keep it that way.”

He stares at me for a minute before he walks away. He climbs into his truck and sits there, waiting for us to leave. It occurs to me that he doesn’t like the idea of leaving Jacey and I alone together. It’s a thought that makes me smirk again.

“What?” Jacey asks innocently as she emerges from her house and catches me grinning.

“Nothing,” I answer, as we walk to my car and I open her door. “Are you ready?”

She nods, tosses her purse on the floorboard and we drive away. Brand’s truck follows us for a while, and I can feel his eyes burning into the back of my neck, but the next time I look, he’s gone.

“So, how long have you been racing your car?” Jacey asks curiously.

I shrug. “I don’t know. Years. I like speed.”

“I know,” Jacey sighs. “Fast cars and fast women.”

I chuckle and rev the engine at the light. When the light turns green, I squeal my tires and take off from the line like a shot. When I glance over at Jacey, she’s relaxed in her seat, staring out the window.

“Nothing?” I ask her. “No reaction whatsoever?”

She giggles.

“Did you expect me to be terrified? Not gonna happen. I grew up with Gabe and Brand and they did some dumbass things with cars… usually when I was with them. I’m never scared… not if I trust who’s driving.”

I glance at her quickly before I look back at the road. “And you trust me? Silly girl.”

“I know.” She rolls her eyes. “I don’t know what I’m thinking.”

“Obviously,” I answer.

One of Sin’s songs comes on the radio, so I turn it up and we ride the rest of the way with Duncan’s steady drums thumping in our chests and Sin’s voice in our ears. It’s one of his slower songs, a dark love song, and when I glance over at Jacey she’s got her eyes closed and she’s moving her lips with the words.

My soul is black, black as night, but you love it anyway.

Your heart is cold, cold as ice, but it’s mine to take.

I’ll take it and crush it because that’s what I do,

And you’ll ask for more, because that’s you.

Something about the way the dark words move her tightens my chest. It’s like she understands what he’s saying because she’s been there. Only unlike the rest of us, she came out of it unscathed, still innocent… and to be honest, I envy her that.

As we arrive at the track and get out of the car, I mention the song to her.

“I’ve asked Sin a few times what this f**king song means. He always just shakes his head and tells me that if I don’t get it, I’ll never get it. He sees himself as a complex artist and music is his canvas.”

I meant it as a joking dig at my brother, but Jacey looks up at me in surprise.

“You don’t get that song? It’s easy, Dom. It’s about a coldhearted guy who uses people for what he wants—women, usually. He can’t feel anything. I guess I just thought Sin wrote the song about you.”

I stop in my tracks, staring at her. I can’t help it. “Do you think I’m coldhearted?”

I don’t know why I care, but I don’t like the thought.

I steer around a curve fluidly before I continue. “You say that he’s like your brother. But it’s clear to anyone who watches you that he doesn’t feel the same. Not anymore. He probably did once upon a time, but you’ve grown up. And he’s fallen in love with you.”

Jacey swallows, then stares at the floor. And it’s completely evident that she knows.

“You knew,” I say simply, and ice floods my heart. I’d been holding out hope that she wasn’t coldhearted. “You knew and you’ve been using him, anyway.”

Her gaze snaps back up to mine, and her eyes are gleaming.

“No. It’s not like that. I haven’t wanted to believe that it’s true. But lately, I haven’t been able to ignore it. I know you’re right. But I don’t know what to do about it. I love him like my brother. He’s always been there for me, and I don’t want anything to change. And I don’t use him.”